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you held on tight to me, 'cause nothing's as it seems, I'm spinning out of control


Justin decided to check it out, because what the actual fuck?

He could even fit through the hole. Stuffing his phone in his pocket, he carefully swung his legs into the gaping hole, and jumped inside. He landed inside a room that didn't look like his living room. Not one bit. 

The floor was made of marble, and had many handmade carvings in it. There were no walls, only full length mirrors. Justin looked around, and saw many reflections of himself, looking back. The room was brightly illuminated by a light from an unknown source. 

"Um...hello?" He asked with a raised voice, expecting it to echo, like in the movies. 

Wrong move. Instead of bouncing off of the tall mirrors, a screeching sound pierced his ears, almost making him go deaf. He quickly covers his ears with his hands, squeezing his eyes shut because of the unbearable volume. It begins to become louder, going few decibels louder.

The screams sounded like people screaming for help. Like they were in the jaws of death.

"Oh my god! Stop!" He shouts. And suddenly, all is quiet. 

He slowly removes his hands from his ears. To him, it was quite a shocker that he could still hear after that ruckus. He makes sure to stay mute till he figures out this place. Since he wasn't wearing shoes, it was easier to tip-toe around.

Justin looks up, and panic hits him like a truck. The ceiling was white, with no designs, and no  gaping holes that showed the view of under his bed.

No, no, no, no.

He didn't want to be stuck here. Damn his curious soul! Why was he like this? He could've simply waited for Liz or someone to come, and they could've done something about it. 

He bites the inside of his cheek and looks around, eyesight blurred because of the unshed tears. Maybe god was testing him?

Or maybe it was a dream. He did feel a little nebulous. 

Out of curiosity, Justin walked towards one mirror and reached out to touch it. The shaking of his hand and the don't do it! chants of his brain pleaded him it was a bad idea. But what's the fun in that?

He pressed his finger to the glass.

For a moment, nothing happened. Justin sighed and removed his finger. The glass was tangible. Perhaps it wasn't a dream, after all.

Just then, a loud crack was heard, and the floor gave away.

He screamed, as he felt himself fall down to his inevitable death. Moved his arms around, searching for something, anything to grab onto. Upon getting a negative result, he gave up. 

He didn't want to die like this. No, he wanted to die in his bed, peacefully, like every other sane human would want to. 

He didn't want to die young. There was so much left in the world that he hadn't explored. He wanted to die after he knew he had done something in the world that made a small but significant change. He wanted to be on his deathbed in his mid-seventies, knowing that he was satisfied with life, even if he had to marry his best friend. 

The mirrors broke too, making the pieces fall like silver glitter. Except some were big enough to puncture his lungs and tear he muscles. The pieces were falling along with him, so was the marble floor. Not only was he going to break his bones, but he was also going to getting himself bruised and pierced. What a great way to end life.

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