about time.

362 25 64

not proof read.


"You know, you kinda remind me of somebody."

A few days have passed. With few necessary (and unnecessary) breaks, they finally reached an open ground, and what looks like remains of a once bustling town. Justin crouches down and touches the ground, and sure enough, the blackish grey powder gave it away that something really bad happened here.

"Really? And who might that be?" Zayn asks. He sounds dimmer than usual, his posture stiff as he looks dead ahead.

"That's the thing. I don't remember." Justin stands up. He sees Harry walk around, pointing things to the pixie on his shoulder, like his was giving him some sort of tour.

The lifeless area seems to stretch on forever. It was eerie and Justin wanted to ask why they have come to such a place. He shifts to ask Zayn about it, but seeing Zayn's lost eyes, he says something else.

"You seem tense." He says.

Zayn takes his hat off his head, smoothing the feather peeking from the satin wrapped around the base of the hat. "Do I, now?"

There is no trace of annoyance or sarcasm in his voice; just pure sadness, which surprises Justin. What is so saddening about this place that it leaves Zayn so devoid of retorting with a sarcastic tone?

"Hatter, what's wrong?" Justin reaches out to place a hand on Zayn's shoulder. He never really gets Zayn's sudden fluctuations of moods. One moment he's angry, the next he's grumpy, and then sad. Well, he too sort of lost control over his anger since he got here, but that's beside the point.

"This was father's place."

Justin's mouth forms an 'o' before his flickers gaze back and forth. "I see. But why is it so... dead?" And why is the ground so barren?

Zayn doesn't remove Justin's hand. "It was destroyed by the Jabberwocky on Horunvendush Day." Before Justin could open his mouth, Zayn answers his question. "Jabberwocky was a monster that the Red Queen had."

"Why'd she do it?"

Zayn nibbles on his lower lip. "She wanted revenge, that's why. Couldn't handle the fact that she wasn't the one to be next in line for the throne." He kicks a nearby pebble. "Told ya she was a bitch."

Justin nods. "And your dad...?"

"Oh. He... he wasn't killed in this fire." Zayn looks towards the sky, as if analyzing something.

Justin feels an unsettling knot in his stomach. "This?"

Zayn closes his eyes. "He and mum were murdered in a fire that took place in our house."

Justin drops his hand. "My apologies."

"Don't fucking apologize!" Zayn snaps. "What is it with you humans apologizing for shit you didn't do?"

"It's just our way of showing condol-"

"Well I don't want your sorry!"

Justin steps back. Back at it again with the mood swings.

"D'you need a hug?" He asks.

Zayn glares at him, eyes turning a darker shade of green. "I said I don't want your pity-"

It was too late. Justin had already enveloped Zayn into a warm hug before he could finish his sentence. Zayn lets out a muffled sound of protest against Justin, grumbling and groaning, sending vibrations all over Justin's body.

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