from the dining table.

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A/N: I am well aware that the original Cheshire Cat is cunning, mischievous and loves to trouble Alice (well, here Justin) but I wanted to switch up his character and make him an innocent angel. Because there's more to that cat than meets the eye.

Just wanted to put it out there.

Not spell checked.


Dealing with Harry and Niall was not a piece of cake, apparently.

Harry, being the curious cat (hah) asked questions of all sorts, ranging from what Justin did to why was the sky blue on earth. (Harry couldn't even believe it when Justin said sometimes the sky could turn orange. Freaking orange.)

Niall just casually liked sitting on Justin's hair and shoulder, like it was his second home. Oh, hell no. Justin was totally not used to pixie (aka a human butterfly) sitting on him. And he never will be. Ever.

And Zayn was just being Zayn, smirking like his life depended on it and pushing Justin's buttons every now and then to the point of making him explode.

"But how? How can the sky change color?" Harry fumes. He simply couldn't get it through his head. 

"Well... it's a long process and honestly I can't recall." And I don't want to.

Harry grumbles and mutters something that went along the lines Our sky is so dull. 

"Who cares? At least we don't fall on our feet for some creepy guy who apparently is the head of the universe." Zayn says, lazily scratching Harry behind his ear, eliciting a purr of content. Justin glares at the back of Zayn's head. 

And Niall just kept flying around them, occasionally sitting on top of Justin head, because Zayn's hat kept almost falling down. Plus Justin's hair was nice and fluffy.

"How much in?" Justin asks, for the umpteenth time.

"Quarter." Zayn replies.

"Seriously? Oh my-"

"I will slit your throat if you utter that word again."

"-goodness. I was going to say goodness."


The little clique treads on, quarter way through the lifeless forest, few days in with a lot of bickering, asking and answering questions (Harry was still stumped about the sky), toppling hats, meowing (Harry only) and sitting on heads (Niall.).

Justin noticed that the trees were starting to become shorter and less scary as he walked on, which was a good thing. He's have enough of those scary looking, bloody trees (literally). The sky remained gloomy as ever, and not a slight change has appeared since Justin first laid his eyes upon this place.

He had almost forgotten that he was only following Hatter and his friends because he needed to get out of here. It almost seemed like a trip, but with depressing skies and bloody trees and ghosts and crazy people.

Good part was that because of that drink Hatter gave him, he didn't feel the need to eat or drink. And the bad part was... he hadn't taken a bath in days. So when Justin smelt himself, he almost gagged and threw up. He smelt just that disgusting.

Or maybe it was the fact that he wore too many sharp cut and clean clothes, that he had forgotten how it was like to wear muddy ones, like when he'd come home, drenched by rain and dirt all over his clothes, when he was younger.

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