of cats and butterflies.

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Harry Styles as The Cheshire Cat  

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Harry Styles as The Cheshire Cat  

Harry Styles as The Cheshire Cat  

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Niall Horan as The Pixie

Neil is an original character.


Justin takes in deep breaths. 

Closes his eyes. Opens them. 

"Hatter. For the love of God, please. Stop calling me pretty boy." He says in a calm and controlled manner. He wonders if he was a murderer in his previous life, because right now, he really wanted to kill Zayn.

"Quit trying, pretty boy. You know I won't stop." Zayn says smugly, leaning back on the tree. Justin sat right across him, hands clenching and un-clenching. He tugs at his lower lip with his teeth. Patience was never so hard to achieve before.

"You really need to stop this, it's pissing me off." Justin finally blurts out. "My fingers are itching to wrap themselves around your neck." He was shaking, all the pent up rage being the reason.

"Kinky. Do you like to tie people up too?" Zayn smirks. Justin wanted to scream. Zayn wanted to laugh till he couldn't breathe. The look on Justin's face was so comical, he might as well choke on air.

"How much longer is it going to take?" He asks instead, switching the topic. Zayn changes his demeanor a little, sad that Justin wasn't angry anymore. 

"Eh. We've barely covered one-fourth of the forest. Probably few more months."

Justin let out a low groan. He ran his fingers through his hair, clearly stressed. He really was starting to miss his parents, and Liz too. 

"I miss Lizzy." Justin mumbles.

"Hm, tell me more about her. Is she a good fuck?" Zayn asks, crossing his legs.

At this Justin snorts, leaving a confused Zayn. He expected something like how dare you! or you're disgusting

"I can barely even kiss her cheek. And you expect me to know how good she is in bed?" Justin shakes his head. "The only intimate moments we had were only something friends would do."

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