The day he tried

121 4 0

A/N: again same texts as the previous chapter...

Hey boys how'd ya sleep?

Perfectly fine how about you?


Ew get a room... gag!

Shut up Tyler they're not dating you dick licker

Aha that nickname I gave him went to use by my other brother haha!

Oh boy you guys are weird haha

Sorry Jake

No, no that's ok

Ummm... so what you guys wanna do today?


Shut up big booty Brazilian ha

Sorry moochacho

How 'bout some bagels and than 3 am challenge at Clinton road?

Hmm ok!

Sounds fun... I'm in!

Me too

I'm not coming tonight I'm going to Ryan's


Ok guys stop!

What he is!

Let's go Nat... he said grabbing your hand.


Bro❤️👑: when did that happen?

Me: when did what happen?

Bro❤️👑: the holding hands thing?

Me: idk what you're talking about but ok than😂

Bro❤️👑: He likes you but I didn't know you liked him...

Me: well I didn't know he liked me but whatever!

Bro❤️👑: sis be careful please

Me: be careful about what?

Bro❤️👑: him... he'll snap your heart in half in 2.5 seconds!!

Me: lay off I'm working on it

Bro❤️👑: be fucking careful sis

Me: I will just shut up he's looking!!!

--------------Not Texting------------

So what's good?

Nothing why?

I have to talk to you... he said pulling you into your room.

Mikey's best friend// Jake DufnerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora