This Can't Be Happening

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I woke up the next day.... still in a fucking hospital bed with a sharp pain in my back.

"Ughhhh fuck" I groan rubbing my back. I felt something like cloth or something.

Maybe a bandage.

"What the fuck?" I mumble trying to look at the thing on my back.

"Ughhhh ouch" I yell as I look around seeing no one but a mirror and myself in it.

"Where the fuck is every one?" I ask myself getting out of the bed.

"Oh my fuck!" I groan looking to see no one out in the hallway.

"What the fuck?" I ask myself confused of what's going on.

The lights are flickering. And everything is so quiet.

"Natalie" I hear someone whisper.

"Hello?" I ask out.

Sweating I feel a sharp pain in my back again.

"Owww fuck" I starting to lose my mind.

"This shit hurts" I groan and walk into the bathroom.

"Not in here" I hear again. It kinda sounded like Jake.

"Jake?" I call out. No response.

"Nope" I hear again as I walk to look under the bed.

"Than where you asshole?" I ask getting agitated.

"Somewhere over the fucking rainbow?" I ask hitting the bed.

"I watch you sleep at night. Listen to the sound of your breathing" the voice says again.

"Ok I'm not playing games anymore Jake" I call out putting my hands up in defense.

"Hidden away but clearly in sight" the voice says.

" oh my fucking lord if I'm dreaming about a fucking 'IT' trailor I'm fucking leaving bitch" I get back into the bed.

"Not dreaming sweetheart" I hear the voice again.

"Oh fuck you" I say and throw the flower vase at the mirror.

After that I heard nothing.

~10 minutes later~

I woke up.

"What a weird ass fucking dream" I say rubbing my head.

"Nat?" Someone asks.

"Ughhhhhhh" I groan from feeling the sharp pain in my back like I did in my dream.

"Hey" I groan holding my back.

"Hey babygirl I brought you some breakfast" Jake smiles and brings me bagels and cream cheese.

"That's what you call breakfast?" I laugh.

"It's all they had in that wimpy ass fucking cafeteria" Jake laughs handing me the bagel.

"How'd you sleep?" I ask him.

"Like a baby" he says sarcastically.

"What's wrong?" I ask sitting up taking a bite of my bagel.

"This fucking couch feels like I'm sleeping on nails" Jake says pointing to the couch in the corner of the room.

Mikey's best friend// Jake DufnerWhere stories live. Discover now