The Meeting

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    Hello! My name is Tiana. I'm 13 years old. I was originally born in New Jersey, but my parents and I recently moved to Charlotte, North Carolina because it was "More safe". I just hope I can make new friends around here because it gets kinda lonely when you're the only child.

Today's my first day of 8th grade. I like it here so far, I haven't made any friends yet but I don't mind, I'm kind of a nerd anyway, my main focus has always been on school. As I'm writing my in my notebook, I can feel a presence above me, breathing heavily. I look up to see a tall lightskin figure with a really big head and two big satellite dish ears poking out of it.

He was pretty tall for a 13 year old boy.

"Yes?" I grew irritated, waiting to see why he was breathing down my neck.

"Are you the new girl?" The tall boy asked.

"Yeah, I'm Tiana Thomas" I answered, waiting for him to reveal his identity.

"I'm Donald, I can show you around, if you'd like." He said, lowering his head as if he had said something wrong.

"Thanks, I'd like that a lot", I replied, letting him know I was interested. I looked down at my notebook and noticed something. His fingers. I couldn't help but stare as I was very intrigued by how they bend. He quickly shoved them in his pocket as he noticed how I was looking at them.

"Aight, cool. See you around", he said, taking a seat at his desk. I noticed how he always sat in the back of the class, secluded from everyone else. I immediately noticed that there was something different about him. I shrugged it off, maybe he just wasn't a people person.

A darkskin boy shorter than Donald comes running into the classroom top speed. He paused in the middle of the class, catching his breath.

"Dalvin DeGrate, you are late for class again, do you have anything to say for yourself?" Mrs. Jones asks.

"Quit sweatin' me, 'ole ferret wig havin' ass, I'm here, aren't I?" Dalvin replies, rudely.

Mrs. Jones stands in shock as the whole class laughs like a pack of hyenas and K-Ci bangs his hands on his desk dramatically, "He got you there, Mrs. Jones", he adds.

I shake my head as Dalvin walks to his desk, dapping up K-Ci, Donald, and JoJo on his way.

I could feel eyes on me as I was writing in my notebook, I turned around slowly and saw Donald turning the other way when he saw that I saw him. His face grew a rosy color as he tried to hide it by putting his hoodie over his head.

Dalvin noticed what was going on, and stood up on his desk and proceeded to sing and point at Donald and I.

"Donald has a cruuuuuush.''

"Donald has a cruuuuuush."

I scrunched up my face as the whole classroom started to "oooooooo".

This is gonna be a looooooong day



          //Excuse any errors//

A Thin Line Between Love and Hate //D. Swing//Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang