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3 weeks later....


"Ms. Thomas, you seem to be in perfect shape, just sign these papers and you'll be free to go", The doctor said, handing papers to me.

"Thank you", I smiled. These past three weeks have been really hard for me. I've been on edge these past few days, but the good thing is, Donald has been right by my side the entire time. My parents and the guys would stop by and visit me here and there, but Donald would stay the night because he knew I was traumatized ever since the incident occured.

I finish signing the papers and put the pen down. I honestly cannot wait to get out of here. The hospital food is just pitiful and don't even get me started on that hideous hospital gown. I know Donald can't wait to leave and finish recording the demo that he and the guys made. They're really gonna start this music thing and I'm right behind them one hundred percent. They have the sound and the unique style and with Donald's unconditional love for music and his producing skills, they're gonna take the music industry by storm, I just know it.

"Are you ready", Donald inquired, flashing me his boyish smile.

"Yeah hold up", I grab my bag and head for the door with Donald right behind me.


The car ride seems rather long, I guess that's just because I've been anticipating to go home.

Finally, Donald stops the car, parking it in front of my house. I practically jump out the car and run towards the door, ringing the bell multiple times.

"WHO THE HELL IS MAKING ALL THAT DAMN NOISE- TiTi IT'S YOU! MY BABY'S HOME!" My Mother shouted on the top of her lungs. My Mother was a VERY loud person. She'll hurt your eardrums just standing next to you.

She embraces me in a tight hug, causing me to gasp for air. When she finally let go, she reached for Donald. Donald tried to reach out his hand for a handshake instead, thinking he was slick, but my momma pulled him in for a tight hug, casually tugging on his ears. I stood back and laughed.

"Yall can go ahead upstairs, your father should be back from the store anytime now to start the barbecue."
I nod and start to make my way upstairs, Donald following behind.

I oustretch my arms and legs, letting my body fall onto my bed. I let out a loud sigh showing how exhausted I am.

I feel a heavy weight shift onto my back, and of course it was no one other than Donald.

"Boy can you please get ya heavy ass off of me?" I try to push him off of me but he was much too heavy.

"Let me think about it...nah", he answered, smacking his lips.

He finally gets up and sits on my chair instead.

"Ti, I gotta tell you something." He says in a more serious tone. I look up at him, slightly tilting my head.

"Don't tell me you got something" I covered my mouth pretending to be shocked.

"Noooo, can you stay serious for one second?" He grows irritated.

"Ok fine, what's up?" I replied letting him know I'm interested in what he had to say.

"I think Dianna might be pregnant."

An uncomfortable silence falls upon us as I try to think of what to say.

"How can you be so sure?" I questioned. Dianna isn't exactly the purest girl ever. The whole football team hit it for god's sake! That could be anybody's baby.

"She said she took a pregnancy test." He said in a 'duh' tone. Knowing Dianna, she could very well be lying. She's known for doing that type of stuff so it wouldn't be the first time...

A Thin Line Between Love and Hate //D. Swing//Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant