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                    The Next Day


"Soul Trainnnn"

Soul Trainnnnnn"

It's Saturday night and I'm currently sitting on the couch home alone with a bowl of Ice Cream, watching Soul Train on TV. Typical. I made sure all the doors were double locked and all the lights were on because this ain't no damn scary movie, I'm not about have a monster or a posessed doll walk into my house on some White people shit.

I continued watching television until I saw a tall image standing on the porch. It was pouring and thundering outside.

I went down to the basement and grabbed a metal baseball bat and a broomstick for protection, obviously.

I crept back upstairs to the front door and slowly, carefully swung the door open fast enough so that I can pull my bat out just in time.

"Whoa hey, hello to you too." The male figure said. I turned the porch lights on to see who it was. I became calm again once I realized it was just Donald.

"Donald, what are you doing here at this time of night? What happened to you? Why haven't I seen you in over 3 weeks?", I questioned.

"Look, I'll explain later, but can I please stay the night?" He asked. I was actually relieved that he wanted to stay over because I have a fear of sleeping alone especially at night that I developed after the incident.

I looked up and down at him. His clothes were soaking wet and his pants were stained with a brown color that I'm hoping is just mud. His once white shoes turned into a yellow/brown color, and his ordor was something unfamiliar.

"Of course you can, you can stay in one of the guest rooms. I'll go get you some new clothes while you go get cleaned up", I started pushing him upstairs, hurrying him into the bathroom before he made the whole house smell like wherever he came from.
I got out of the bathroom and went into my room to find some clothes that he left here whenever he slept over. I found grey Nike sweatpants and no shirt because I liked seeing him walk around my house half naked.

I went back into the bathroom to hand him the clothes. I opened the bathroom door and put the on the shelf, I turned around and saw a naked Donald just getting out of the shower.

"I- I I'm sorry I was just giving you you're clothes, I'll go now", I rambled as I practically ran out of the bathroom. I kicked myself for talking too fast and stuttering. I hate how he makes me nervous.

I go back downstairs and flop onto the couch, eating my bowl of Ice Cream. I tried to watch tv but I couldn't get the image of Donald out of my head. I bit my lip at the thought of him getting out of the steamy shower, beads of water dripping down his perfectly toned lightskin body, his long member gently swaying side to side while he moves, and don't even get me started in his butt.

I need jesus.

My dirty fantasy gets interrupted by Donald sitting on the couch next to me. I examine his face, he had purple bruises up and down his neck, normally I would assume they're just hickies, but he always had a black eye and a couple scars too. He looked down at his lap. I can tell something was bothering him.

"You wanna tell me what happened now?" I suggested.

"It's a long story." He answered, still not looking up.

"I don't mind, we have all night." I snickered in my head for how sexual that last part sounded.

He sighed, "My dad found out I got Dianna pregnant, and he kicked me out of the house".

Ok so that would explain his black eye. I always knew how much Rev. Don and Donald fought. They could go at it for hours. They were so different but so alike in complicated ways. His dad always made him play music for the church and the church only. He also took credit for all that songs that Donald wrote  and that's how their feud got started.

I signaled for him to continue.

"After he kicked me out, I took a bus up to Minneapolis to audition to work for Prince and the Revolution."

I lightly smiled to myself. Donald always wanted to work for Prince. He always talked about how much of a genius he is and how he always wanted to make music like him and reach his own pinnacle of success, but judging by how he looks right now, I'm guessing things didn't go to well for him...

"And how did that go?" I ask as if I didn't already know that answer.

"He dissed me. He didn't even give me a chance to show him what I've got. I barely made it past the lobby", he answered.

He put his head on my lap as I fed him spoonfuls of my Ice Cream while he continued to vent. He has a lot to get off his chest.

"On top of all that, Dianna broke up with me, she said she doesn't want to be with my broke ass." Donald says with a weak voice as if he was about to cry. I pull him into a hug. It's a shame how Dianna did him dirty when all he wanted to do was help raise his child. Then again, you can't turn a hoe into a housewife.

 Then again, you can't turn a hoe into a housewife

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I shook my head at that thought.

Now I feel like it's my job to protect Donald like he's always done for me because right now, he needs me the most.

"Wait here, D, I'll be back in a sec."

I got up and walked towards the house phone. I took the phone off of the wall and dialed my parents number, they're in Cleveland for the weekend.

Phone Conversation


"Hi Mom, how are you and Dad doing?"

"Oh we're doing great, we're in the hotel room right now"

"Thats great. Um Mom, I have something very important that I need to ask of you"

"How much money is it going to cost me?"

"None. Nothing at all."

"Then what is it?"

"Mom, Donald's dad kicked him out of his house and I was wondering if maybe he could live here with us just until her gets back on his feet."

There was an uncomfortable silence that went on for about 5 minutes before she answered.

"Your Father and I would be happy to have Donny live here with us, on one condition, he has to get a job and hs also gets chores every week like everyone else."

"Got it. Thank you Mom."

"No problem, honey. You did the right thing by asking us first."

"I know, bye Mommy"

"Bye, sweetie."

I hung up the phone and walked back to the couch to see a snoring Donald, sound asleep on the couch. I grabbed a blanket from the closet and threw it over him. I love this boy too much.

//Sorry for this trash ass chapter, it's just a filler for the next one\\

A Thin Line Between Love and Hate //D. Swing//Where stories live. Discover now