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Its the fifteenth day and yet im tired. Im tired of thinking that somehow he will come to like me. Tired thinking that maybe he somehow will end up with me.

The petals really annoyed me. It just that sometimes when we practice i feel like throwing up petals. It feel like a decade pass by after throwing up petals all day. My throat feel hurts day after day. My chest feels hurt as if the roots of the flower are rooted deep inside me.

The member become really suspicious of me because i always run to the toilet as soon as the break start and not spending the break with them.

As i come out from the toilet.

Hoseok backhug me suddenly.

"Jimin are u alright?"

"I'm alright hyung. "

"Look Jimin, u always run to the toilet as soon as the break start. You are n-"

"Hyung im okay! I feel fine as- " as the pink lily petal slip out of Jimin mouth and fell to the ground.

He stared at the petal

"Jimin? Dont tell me you ha-"

"Hyung, You saw it by yourself just dont tell anyone. Please,I beg you"

"Just tell me who the person is" as Hoseok a.k.a j-hope grab my shoulder tightly


Jimin eyes began to teary as he look away from Hoseok eyes. Then tears are running from Hoseok eyes.

"You can die Jimin if u are not taking the surgery. I dont want to lose you yet. Please jimin. Tell me,maybe i could help you."

"H-hyung it hurts-s.."

And Hoseok remove his hand that grabbing Jimin

"Beside, i cant hyung. It's really a hopeless love."

"If it hopeless love then just go get
surgery, Jimin. Seriously i just dont want to lose you yet. Bangtan* is not bangtan without you. You know it yourself."

*(Bangtan = bulletproof)

"I just dont want to forget this feeling hyung. This feeling make me feel like im alive. I dont want to lose the memory of him. I dont wanna live without the memory of him"

"Him? Is it one of us?"

"Yes it is"

I dont want to forget [Jikook] Where stories live. Discover now