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It was 3 am

He drive home with his clothes that drenched and full of sand.

Jimin creeped to the dorm. He quietly walked and hoping that no one was awake. He open the door and walked.


"AGHHhh you surprised me Jungkook!" Jimin whispered.

Jungkook saw jimin swollen and red-blood shot eyes. Jimin clothes also wet and full of sand.

"Where are you from? I'm worried. Why your clothes wet? And why there is sand over all your clothes? Can u te-"

"Shh.. Jungkook You can ask me later in the room for this once. Now be quiet, You almost wake everyone in the house. I'm taking shower."

Jimin walked to the bathroom leaving Jungkook with a lot of question.


Jungkook sat at the end side of the bed.

"So where are you from? Why -"

"Jungkook! Im tired okay. I need to sleep. Could you leave me alone?"

Jungkook stares at the older eyes. The brown orb of the younger looks sparkling in the older eyes. His eyes absorbed Jimin .

Jimin end up smiling. He can't act tough to the younger.

"Jungkook, i need time. If the time is come then i tell you."

Though, i think that time wouldn't come. Probably till i die because of this disease.

Jungkook hug his hyung tightly.

"Ne.. Hyung, I will. But remember i always on your side. Always. Just tell me when you are ready. "

Jimin miss jungkook hugs. Jimin dont care about the petals that suffocate him. That making him feel sick. That making him give up on his life.

He forget his problem for a moment. He love Jungkook's hug so much. He miss it.

He love it. He wish time would stop right now. So he can in his arms.


I dont want to forget [Jikook] Where stories live. Discover now