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July 19th, 2017

*the writing was back to normal*

Well, today has been pretty awesome! Emily took me out of the Chibi AU! Now I'm me again!

I got to meet my female self yesterday too! She's pretty awesome, like me! Since I was a Chibi, I got to build a Lego house that was just my size! It was awesome inside and out! We also established that my Axe is bigger and she's jealous!

Also, Norge read the last journal entry. At first he thought I was lying. But...I had to explain that I was just scared. Sve scared me back then, what can I say? But...I...I made Norge smile! Me! He smiled because of me! That really made my day! No, my WEEK!

I also saved Tino from Russia today! He's still little by the way. But, back on topic, Russia kidnapped Tino and took him back to his place so, still as a Chibi mind you, I managed to save him!

You know, as I'm writing this, I'm actually starting not to feel so well. Not sure why. Ah, it's probably nothing!

Admin Note:
Hi my lovely readers! Alright, so, I should probably warn you, Denmark is going into a Demon/Angel AU and I'm making him a demon. Good luck with Demon!Denmark.

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