🇩🇰 7.5 🇩🇰

208 18 181

July 19th, 2017

Something isn't right, I know it isn't! My head hurts as if someone was repeatedly hitting it! And Norge collapsed since he's turning into an angel.

Gah, the pain is getting worse, I don't know what's going on! Someone, anyone please st

*the writing suddenly stop and the ink turns red and the writing changes a little*

Finally! Free at last! I never thought I would be able to be free. Oh, that's right. None of you know me.

Well, I'm Denmark. But, not YOUR exact Denmark. I'm his demon! I highly doubt he's told you anything about me. A pity really.

Well, as the king, make me feel at home. Unless you like to make a deal in hell that is~

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