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July 22nd, 2017

Emily (my admin) and I read Gutters today. She won't let go of me know and is crying a little at the moment. I keep trying to calm her down but she just won't calm down. These fanfictions are really bad for Em! She won't admit it but each time she reads them, Emily feels broken after.

Speaking of Emily, she's thinking of putting me in yet ANOTHER AU! A maid/butler one at that. This probably won't end well. At least for me. I honestly hope I'm not in the AU long!

Also, Mathilde, my female version, hurt her Norge, Lovise. As in, physically hurt her. But she didn't mean to actually hurt her! She has my temper and snapped. I feel really bad for her and I don't know how to make her at least a little happy...

Well, I've gotten admin to go to sleep and I'm locked inside my room. Don't worry, I locked myself in! It's totally not because I'm sulking because I feel useless! No, definitely not that!

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