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August 16th, 2017

*The handwriting seemed...off*

Hej there, journal! Sorry for not writing! I was busy helping kill Matthew's demon! Which I did successfully, might I add! I was being the good guy! Like I'm supposed to!

But...maybe I'm NOT supposed to be the good guy! Most of my attempts while doing anything good fail unless I get mad enough that I kill! And boy, is the rush a wonder feeling! Brings me back to my Viking Days!

Speaking of which, I was so barbaric then! And I loved it! But, I can still be humane...to an extent. For family I can show some humanity. But, I've lost people before. What's a few more to me?

People come and go. That's how it is! I mean, Scandinavia was killed by Germania while Sve, Norge, and I were little! It's just that Sve was shielding us from the violence! Family, am I right?

Speaking of wonderful family, I think I'll have some family bonding with the Nordics!

That's right. Mathias has snapped. My advice is that you should simply comply with Mathias's things if you don't want to die or just run. But Mathias is a fast S.O.B so be careful. Especially my Nordics!

Life of a Former Viking [ᴍᴀᴛʜɪᴀs's ᴅɪᴀʀʏ]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ