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Hej! So, Emily said I don't have to put the date and stuff like that so I can update if something happens quicker! I guess I should start by saying that my wounds have finally healed! They healed into scars, but, oh well! They don't hurt anymore so that's good.

Oh! I also didn't kill Sve so that's awesome! I hurt him kinda bad, but, at least he isn't dead! Now, I'm waiting for Bee to come back to normal so I can try to talk to her. I found out from her demon that she thinks Tina and I don't care about her. We care a lot! I'm going to show her when she's back to normal, this I swear!

Also, I get this journal all to myself again since Markell left! Emily usually doesn't keep AUs going on for too long. Wonder why!

Speaking of Emily, she's been acting...strange lately. She hasn't been her normal happy-go-lucky self! She normally acts a lot like me! But now...she's acting more like...let's just say, she won't even smile like she normally does or write in exclamation points like normal!

She probably won't say what's wrong if you ask her but I'm going to try and convince her to write it in her Diary on here. Also, she wanted me to say two things. The first is that she knows someone in particular is going to start feeling bad and thinking it's their fault but she says she doesn't want them to worry, it isn't their fault. (She doesn't want to say the account name because she's already said it: if hate starts appearing on the account, Emily is going to unfollow people and help get the hate away.)

Also, it's official! Emily is bringing Germany onto this account! He'll either be on later today or some time tomorrow!

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