1. Home away...

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I was promised a normal life. I can't say that I'm surprised that the promise was broken. What else can you expect when your skin is light blue and your eyes are a lilac shade of purple. It's a funny coincidence that my name means goddess and stars since my eyes bare a close resemblance to the colours of the galaxy. The fact that I can change my skin colour is good because then I can make myself look Anefist-ish, like everyone on this planet. The Anefist race shares many similarities with the so-called humans, like the eyes and body structure. The only visible difference is that humans don't have the three lines on their cheeks.

I only have one thing that I have to do before I die, finding my real family and my real home. I don't know if they are alive or if I have any living siblings or if I even have siblings. The only reason that I know I'm not from here or anywhere around here is that my parents left me with my adopted family when I was only around 2 weeks of age. I was only left with a letter to read when I turn 18. I only have a few years until then.

The planet that I currently live on is called Assofftre and is based in the Long-Rudett galaxy. Here you go to school at the age of 9 and stay til age 16 when you have finished your 16th year in school you leave and either get a higher education or you go to work. My oldest brother is married and already has kids, which is the tradition here, he is only 21, that part haunts me. I don't want to have a partner or kids before roughly the age of 26. Also before anything happens I want my family, my real family, back. I love all my siblings but when you are a family of 7 it can get chaotic at times. The older 2 know that I am not from here and know I am different but the other 2 don't know me as anything else than their sibling. We are 2 girls and 3 boys in total. Two older brothers and one of each little. Their names are Cosmo Orion, 21, Phoenix Janus, 18, Nysa Wolf, 5, Ledanova Lyra, 1, then there are my parents, Aran Ash Lunarlogt, 43, and Cayley Lunarlogt, 40, she was born a Fein but upon marrying my father she took his last name as they do around here.

"Lunarlogt, what is the name of the planet that is the third planet from the sun in the milky way as they call it?"

"Earth" Maybe I should pay attention in class, mostly this one, it's my way of trying to find my family.

"Right, now for homework, that you hand in next class, you have to write about some planet that you relate to." Mrs Johnlocket said as we all gathered our books and headed out. She sits unmoving beside her desk looking through a book when I approach.

"Mrs Johnlocket?" I ask.

"Yes Lunarlogt, what can I do for you?" She asks me back, looking at me with a concerned look on her face, those three lines on her cheeks flaring a little. Those three lines that everyone has here, except me. That's why I keep myself quiet and on the low side of the school.

"May I instead of writing about a planet that fascinates me, could I write about what I would like my home planet to be like? Since I don't know what planet or what galaxy I come from" I ask with the hope of doing some research on myself.

"Yes you may dear, I hope that your dreams do come true and I gladly am willing to help," She says. I can't wonder why people say that she is one of the meanest teachers in this school because that is not the side of her that I have ever seen.

I say my thanks and hurry out into the hallway, now I only need to go home and do my homework then I'll have to help with the kids. Maybe I can use the highnet today and talk to my friend. That friend is Theion Percy Tomstilling, my only friend in the whole galaxy that is technically not related to me. He goes to the same school and we have one class together and that is 'live capturing' where we take photos of things and learn photography. I always keep a camera either around my neck or in my bag if I see anything exquisitely beautiful.

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