2. Maybe one day I will...

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I hear footsteps, the slow cracking steps on the long, dark winter path. My head is pounding and my heart can be heard from a mile away. The stars shine all around me as the world moves with the hours that pass. Only I hear the sound of my worn out breath as I come to a stop. I fall down on my feet and try to break away from the moment, "Don't" I hear myself whisper as my body almost fails me. In that moment I can sense it, it's all around me. Why doesn't it go away, I have no need for it anymore, it's useless it has always been useless. I am here, broken down then suddenly I feel myself fall.

I can feel pain but am afraid to look where I've ended up. My back aches and my legs feel numb. Soon enough my senses start to kick in again. The smell here is strong of wood and flowers. I try to salvage some strength and raise my head up to look around the place I have ended up in. Looks like a ship that has been here for awhile, slowly deserting into woodland.

I haltingly start to lift my feet up and into the space that I have. My finger brushes against a controller, I see a small light, faint and warm, it disappears when I remove my finger from it. The familiar grasp of this place, a place that had not been seen for decades, a place that was expected to die and lose all its hope. The tree's that lie in broken windows and shattered glass beneath it.

The books that are written like diaries and might have been diaries of the people who lived here once. The walk around the large room and with so much more coming to it. All the books lined up on the shelves marked by strange years but normal days. The short distance from the shelves to the absorbing deep red chair made in leather. The broken frames of paintings and pictures lie all over with most of it broken or missing. I pick a book off the floor and unwind the tight wrap around it, brown leather with thin pages and a golden symbol on the side of the book cover, I open it up on the last pages and nothing has been written there. I fly my way through half of the book where I finally find some writing. The only thing that was written is;

We are trying to find a safe place for her, where she can grow up to become the most beautiful and humble heir. When was this written and by who? She will outlive us and come back home. The people who take her in must know nothing. Any word that they learn about us she must not know. You love her just as much as I do.

I go back further into the book where more has been written about her.

Candace has delivered her and we will never let anyone outside of these walls know. If we survive this attack then we shall let our people know, until then nobody knows her name. It isn't even safe to write it here, but I can tell you it starts with F. I do not know if our defence systems can keep up for so long but for all that we have left on here. On vous a donné cette vie parce que vous êtes assez fort pour le vivre. Quaeso filia salvus erit, Quaeso.

This person must have been a ruler of some sort. He must have had a whole kingdom to rule over and whatever was happening then in his time, he was at war where his people might have thought he failed them as a ruler as their king.

Where am I, and what have I tumbled into, there is no need for me to be here. Why did I come here in the first place? I pressing my fingers back on the controller and the only thing that can be heard is the soothing sound of a machine trying to come back alive.

When the soothing sound has stopped and more thrilling sound takes over, with all its power the machine tries again. This time most of the lights turn on and it starts to shake all of the leafs off the tree's that have grown over this place. Has this place been found before and why is it here. When I lift my hand up again the sounds don't stop this time. The feeling doesn't go either, the feeling of what this place could have been, what the people who stayed here are doing now. In this quiet abandoned place, it feels safe. The weird untouchable feeling that stays in the back of my mind telling me I am not alone, but I am. There is nobody here and probably never will again. I start to panic when a loud bang can be heard in the distance to my left.


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