4. and into the daylight...

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I went back to that place, it smelled the same, it looked untouched just as before. I picked up the same book and unhooked the leather strap around it. Since the book had not been finished it wasn't hard to find a place to read from. 12. December 2019. She was supposed to be here yesterday but Gala thinks it will happen tomorrow. I do not really care as long as she will be safe, maybe we can move her away after she is born, but I still want to see my little girl grow up. She has to remember to be brave, courageous and just be her. If she ever has to live without her family then I hope she will be the bravest, the smartest and the most badass girl in the world. This planet would be so blessed to have her as a leader, one day, one day she might return but until then nobody can know about my little angel. She saves us, but until then we suffer and it is all my fault. -T.H.A I hope he found his little girl, she could have been left on a doorstep with people who don't treat her right, she might have become a boy, she might have been a princess if it weren't for that man. I closed the book and take another one that looks older. Some pages are about to fall out but it still is readable. 3. July 2016. He has passed, it happened at 9 in the morning, mum was there with him. I can't even say it out loud, and it pains me that my mum, at this age, has to become the queen. She has never been weaker but they do not want me to become the king until I am 18 years of age which I understand completely. That means that when I will marry Gala when she is only 16 and that pains me since my future is planned before she has a saying in it. The wedding is set for early 2017 and my coronation is in December the same year. -T.H.A I am guessing it was written 3 years before the first entry. Who is this T.H.A. maybe I can find him and get him his girl. He writes like he has lost his family to death. His mother was weak and his father passed before his time, I think. I closed the book and wrap the strap around it again just as before and put it back where it was on the shelf. The books were not much older than the book I picked.

I start to sweep the floor with a broom I found in a closet. Since I have nothing to do else I kinda found a music thing that found a way to turn it on. You have to push a button that then makes a beep and music starts playing right away. I have never heard the music before but it sounds so familiar. When the floors are swept I start picking things up from the floor and placing them where I think the person wants them. I pick up a pile of clothes and start to walk over to the couch area where I will just let it be there until I find a better place. I see a typewriter on the floor next to the little table. A cord laying by it and paper everywhere. The typewriter is not that heavy when I have set on the table and plug the cord in it makes a humming sound, is it supposed to make a sound? I pick up the papers and set one in the writer since I have seen mum do it like that. There is a shelf on the inside of the table and I place the remaining papers there. The humming sounds comes back with a tipping sounds. Little ticks can be heard. When I looked at it again I could see the knobs moving slowly writing out something. I step closer to it and I can see the words forming. Hello, I am Alii Ohana. How are you? It typed out.

"I am fine... how are you doing this?" I ask out into the air.

This is what I have always done. This is what I am made for, besides flying this ship on my own. It typed.

"So you can hear me? Are you alright?" I ask since all the glass and trees are crowding this place.

I am doing okay, besides the pain in my lower system. Could you fix it? Alii said.

"How? I do not know how to work wires" I say falsely, dad says it was born within me.

You know how to do this, if not you can find the manual somewhere, master hates it so I don't know where he hid it last.

"Where is your master, is he the same person who writes the books here?" I ask since that would be the most logical answer.

My Master and his wife have not been here for at least 15 years but I have lost count. So this place was abandoned but why. Why did this master not come back for his ship? Mostly since it can freaking talk, well write but close enough.

"Where do I go to get into your lower system?" Why not help it.

Do you see that rail going down? "Yes" Then you take that stair down one flight, not two, if you do this you are in my system and from there you can fix it. Alii typed away while I looked for those stairs. 


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