5. Petcaper

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"Do you have everything with you?" I call to Theion.

"Yepp, everything is packed and at my door" He yells back down at me. "We can leave the first thing in the morning." He adds as I stand up from his bed. His room could be described as a paradise for bookworms. The floor black and the bed is only a mattress on an upper black board, the window on the right side of the room and plays the role of lighting up the whole room. Since the window is where our sun falls down each night it does help. The shelves filled with books and souvenirs from all around the galaxy. The other side of his room has a closet that goes into his bathroom. "Aja... Aja, are you even listening to me?" I hear but somehow I don't receive it. All I can hear are the pounding footsteps of a tiny puppy. For one second I am standing the other I am lying on the floor, but I can't feel it. "Aja... Can you please answer me." Theion almost yells.

"I can hear you Theo" I try to say but it only comes out as a whisper. "I'm just scared"

"You don't have to be scared, everything will be alright." He says as he hugs me tight.

"I don't want mum and dad to feel like they are failing me as parents just because I want to know my family," I say as tears fill my eyes.

"Aja, they will get it. They understand that you like to know about your family. It is normal for anyone who doesn't know about their family to want to learn about it. They love you, you love them and they are always going to be your mum and dad. You might just gain one more set of parents, huh. Okay?"

"I'm okay," I say straightening my clothes and stand up wiping the spilling tears.

"You are not okay," Theion says while looking me straight in the eyes.

"I will be okay... Everything will be fine." I say looking out of the window.

"Yes, you will. I will make sure that you are going to live the fullest life, as long as I am right beside you."

I laugh "you are not going anywhere, you are stuck with me forever. I am not going to let you slip away from me, Theio, you are my rock."

"I am glad to be your rock," he says seriously but ends up laughing. "Go to sleep Aja you will need it."

Opening my eyes after what feels like hours but when I look at the clock it only reads 45 minutes, I somehow don't feel tired anymore. I drop my head back on the pillow and try closing my eyes but somehow the world began to scream at me. The clock ticked louder than it used to, the wind growing stronger and the leaves brushing against the house, it's all louder. When I have made sure that I won't be going to sleep soon I make my way over to his window, sit down and watch the stars float around the sky. Before I know it I feel my eyes getting heavier and heavier.

I wake up with pain in my neck and feet. I look back at the bed and see Theio still fast asleep with a tiny gap between his lips and his hair messy like there is no tomorrow. Once I have stretched my legs and changed my clothes to a long white knitted shirt and a white floral skirt. I brush my teeth and hair and put my necklace on. It's a little rose gold owl with blue stones for eyes, I never take it off unless I am sleeping or in a shower. When I walk out of the bathroom I see Theio getting dressed. "Are you ready? Today is a big day."

"As ready as I will ever be. Let's do this before I turn around and skip this." I say leaving yesterday's clothes on his bed. We walk downstairs and I slip my shoes on. Theion takes his time tying his shoes. For it being 5 in the morning the weather is not that cold.

"So the bus leaves around 6, what do you want to do before that? I think there is a bakery near the station that might be open"

"Sure, we do need food on this journey," I say and I feel my nerves taking over and my vision blur. Not today my friend, you are not getting to me today. We get to the station and buy our tickets and leave our bags there. Nobody will steal them, mostly at this time of the day. The bakery is only about a minute walk from the station. We buy some breakfast but also something for the ride to Petcaper since it is around 4 to 5 hours.

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