3. Escape the night...

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In we go, down the deep rabbit hole, only a few days after I woke up in that strange place and had to climb out and walk all the way home but only after taking a photo on my camera. Nysa let Neon out, our indoor cat, and now we are looking down every rabbit hole and every ally in this town. This has only happened once before and that time he only got to the fence on the left before Cosmo caught him. This time it feels different, he got all the way over the left fence and ran down to the village before we could hear his cries.

He has only lived here for 2 years now and still does not know his way around. I'm walking down the street when I see a standing out a figure in the small crowd. From here I can only see the long blonde hair and the hat that the figure has on. Every other person is looking at something in a window but the small figure looks frantically around and might be looking for something, maybe I should help. When I reach the crowd I see her clearer, The taffy pink eyes that shine from the street lights all around us. She sees me looking and turns away for a second ready not to give me another look. When her head is turned I can see that there are no lines on her cheeks, also can I see that her lips look paler than everyone here. Never have I seen such a frantic person. She looks back at me with big eyes and mutters something. "Excuse me, what did you just say?" I say as she only stares and mutters some nonsense. "Do you understand me? Are you from around here?"

"I am sorry for this but do you know a place I can stay for the night, I have lost the people I came with and I may not be seen. Can you show me to a resort where it will be possible to pay another day." She says as fast as she can and we have somehow already walked over to the bridge.

"I don't think we have one of those but I can ask my mother if you can stay?" She looks a little younger than me and frighten by the things around her, so I would never let her stay in a resort where anyone can come and take her.

"I would gladly take that, sorry for not telling you my name before, it is Adiy and I am 12 years old since of yesterday."

"Excuse me first since I am the older one, I think, I am 16 years old and my name is Aja Fay" By the sound of my name she flinches and scrunches up her face. Does she think my name is not pretty or is it something else? "I take it that you are not from around here?"

"What gives it away, I thought I had the tone right."

"You don't have the three lines on your cheeks"

"You do neither, does that mean your whole family isn't from here? Where are you from? What galaxy are you really from?" That hit a nerve, I may not know my family but I still have my little family here. As I pick the phone to call my mother to ask if she can stay with us for the night when I get a text from Theion.

'Where are you, I am at your's and Neon is back. He only went for a walk around but came straight home.' Adiy sees my phone and tries to read my text only before asking about Neon. I quickly phoned my mother and continue walking, now up to the hill.

"Neon is my family cat, he ran away this evening when my little brother opened the door for him, but before we go there I want to tell you about my family. They are from here and are five of them that live there. It is my older brother Pheonix, then Nysa my younger brother and Ledanova my only sister. My best friend Theion is always there so just heads up" I say as we come closer to my house.

"I have three siblings too, my younger siblings are twins, Elora and Eda. I also have an older sister named Adonia." She says as I put the key into the keyhole. The giggles can be heard from the other side of the door and when the I have opened the door, we are greeted by Ledanova and her biggest smile.

"Welcome to my house, Adyi, you can sleep in my room since we don't have a guest room because Ledanova has taken my oldest brother room," I say as we start walking upstairs.

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