7. Yearning for sleep...

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Flying spaceships where nothing different from what I have learned to live by but these were so much bigger and stronger than those we at home. All around me I see ships landing and taking off, shooting through the sky. We were back at the station in no time before running to catch our flight. "That was a close one," Theion says taking his seat on the left while I sit to the right. My seat was the seat in the middle of all three seats. On my right, there was a female with a small child only looking around the age of 1 or 2.

"Excuse me, how long is there left?" Theion asks some man that is catering on this flight.

"Only around a half an hour or so, sir," Theion mumbled a thank you back to him and turned back to me. The female was asleep but her child was not, which meant that me and Theion had to try to entertain this child while the mother slept. She probably needs the sleep more than us with this child being so active.

By the end of our journey, we got to know that the child's name is Ocozes and really loves mermaids, stars and reading. Ocozes is a really good child for what I know of them, the only child I really come intact with is Ledanova since she's my sister, other parents don't want me around some of their children. The landing was smooth and I didn't really feel it bounce that much, Theion grabbed my hand for the landing since he doesn't like ships that much. I smiled at him before standing up and getting my backpack.

Petcaper was nothing compared to Bogy634 lights everywhere, filling every square with light, either from advertising signs or by the lighting bolts flying through the sky. Tall buildings fill the place with people who talk to whoever is near. Me and Theion feel trapped among the people who are rushing from places to places. Theion waves his hand out to somewhere and a hovership comes roaming down the street, stopping right in front of us. "Good day, where you off to?" A person says after opening the window.

"A good place to stay for a couple of days. We forgot to book beforehand." Theion lies straight to his face. "Is there any way you can get us there?" He says before opening the door for me and him.

"I will take you to the best place in town. It is a really nice place I think they would like to have you for a few days. Where are you from?" The cab driver asked us, before taking off.

"We are from Assoftre. It's not that far away from here." He nods his head before looking back at us in the back.

"Don't they marry young there?" He asks looking me in the eyes.

"Most of them do, tradition is a tradition," Theion says back to him before turning his head to face mine and smiling.

"Does that mean the two of you are married?" He asks before quickly getting shut down by the both of us. "Alright, I guess that is no. You two act like you are together. It's really cute." I only look away and out the side window.

Before I know it we are standing outside after the driver gave us a free ride. I turn around to see the most outstanding hotel I have ever seen. The golden pillars stand out from the marble staircase leading to big double doors. When we reach the double doors a purple man opens the door for us and we walk in. The inside looks even more majestic than the outside. Gold splattered everywhere around the lobby with marble tiles on the floor. Theion takes my hand before walking up to the check-in table and talking to the person who works here. "Good day, what can I do for you?" The older looking women asks us.

"Could we get a room?" She nodded her head and looked back at her screen. She asked us for a name to go on the room. "Tomstilling," Theion says with confidence in his voice.

"Oh, Sir, yeah, I'm sorry I didn't recognize you." The woman says before going to a phone on the next table. I only stood there dumbfounded.

"Wh-what?" I asked still in shock of what is happening to us. "Do you know them?"

"Yeah, they work for me." My mouth fell open. "Or technically they work for my mom but, umh yeah," He says while scratching the back of his neck. "I thought you knew, I told you we had business around here."

"I thought you meant small, not this big!" I whisper-yell at him.

"Well get over it." He says shrugging his shoulders and putting his hands in his pocket.

"You are a dick," I say to him while crossing my hands together.

"I'm not a dick, I do have one though." I make a disgusted face. "I'm sorry, I saw the opportunity and I took it." He laughed and started to walk away to a waiting area.

After 10 minutes of waiting for the lady comes back out again with a screencard and a smile on her face. We walk to the lifts and take them to the 46 floor or the top floor. When we walk out of the lift I only see two doors on the short corridor. Theion goes to open the door on the left. When he has opened the door enough for me to see in it, I can see that it's big. When we are in the room I completely lose my cool. "Wha? How? Theio?" I stutter out. I walk over to him and hit him lightly on the chest.

"Hey, I didn't say that we wouldn't have it good here, and stop hitting me." He says acting hurt. He puts both of our suitcases in by a door that I am guessing is the bedroom. "I only have one room in here since I'm not really allowed to bring people here. Sorry, but you can take the bed, I will sleep on the sofa," he says and goes to a cupboard and takes out a pillow and a blanket.

"No, this is your room. I will take the sofa."

"I insist. You have to take the bed. I have used it more than you so for it to be fair you have to take the bed," he says putting the pillow on the end of the sofa and spreading the blanket out on the sofa. I give up and go into the bedroom. I turn the lights on and the light is not yellow rather they are light purple and give off a nice vibe. The bed has a light wooden frame with four pillars going all the way to the ceiling and blush coloured drapes hanging from each side of the bed. Behind the frame, there was a painting of howling creature looking at the moon. "What do you think of it." I hear behind me and turn around to face him.

"This looks so good, why are the lights this colour though, knowing you, you wouldn't really go for purple."

"Mom picked it for me last year and it has grown on me. It looks good now." He says sitting down on the bed. "So it's almost midnight here, if you want to get used to the time I would go to sleep now. Okay?" He says as I mumble a yes back to him. "Good, if you need any help you know where I am. See you in the morning, good night." He walks out of the room and closes the door behind him. I open my suitcase and go into the ensuite bathroom and get dressed.

After going in and out of sleep for what feels like hours I sit up and turn the side lamp on. The light is dim in the cold room. I open the door and walk over to the kitchen. I try to be really quiet since Theion is sleeping right on the sofa. I grab a cup to drink from and fill it with hot water and a tea bag. I take a sip of it while walking over to the windows. I sit down looking out at the nightlife. From up here, you can't see the people really well but the dots move on different speeds among the streets. I put my cup too my side and prop my knees up to my chest. The sky looks breathtaking from the soft green lights that fly through the sky and the stars and moon light up the darkness that is everywhere else. I can only hear the light buzzing of honks and quite shouting of people around the city. After putting the cup in the sink I make my way over to where to the living room. I turn the tv on and mute it completely just to make sure that Theion doesn't wake up. I sit on the floor in front of the sofa. After some time I feel myself drifting away from reality and into a dream stage where hopefully I would be in til morning comes around.


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