Chapter 12 - A Year Minus One Day

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I swung the door to my room wide open as I walked in like I owned the place.

Oh wait, I do.

I closed the door behind me with my foot, not looking back. Then grabbed my notebook and fell on my bed both in one smooth motion.

I unhooked the pencil attached to it and opened it up, time to write.

I thought while tapping the end of my pencil on the top of my thigh. I could write about he who shall not be named but he didn't have anything to do with my death, so what's the point?

I laid there wondering what I should write when it dawned on me that I wasn't afraid today. I wasn't depressed, I as wasn't antisocial and I didn't worry about it. I have nothing to complain about it my journal! That is the first.

I was dumbfounded, speechless even. So I decided to wright about how fearless I felt.

Dear diary 11. Today I feel the most fearless I have ever felt in my life. I have found new strength and don't find any reason to ruin it by bringing forth the complaints I have deep down inside, so I will stay like this and enjoy my short moment of peace. Yours truly. 364 days.

Although I felt fearless, the number I wrote echoed in my mind making me dizzy.

One day less than a full year.

I somehow managed to shake the mood-dampening thought from my mind and continued with my new found positivity.

I sat at my desk but turned my chair around so I looked at the rest of my room rather than a wall. Leaning my elbows back into the platform behind me, I just relaxed and for the first time that I could remember, I felt happy without real reason.

My phone suddenly went off with a 'ding' snapping me out of my daze. I check the message, it was from Annalynn.

"Hey Hermit." It read.

I could almost see the smile on her face as she typed it out.

I couldn't think of a good enough name to call her back so I just responded with,


She texted back almost instantly,

"Look out your window"

I sprang up from my seat and waddled over to the window in the fuzzy slippers I had put on.

I peered through the glass as a smirk grew into a smile on my lips.

I kicked off my slippers, which would only slow me down, and sprinted down the stairs nearly tripping at least 6 times in the process. Stairs have never been very nice to me.

I tied my sneakers as quickly as humanly possible, they were probably so messy that they would untie in the next two seconds but I didn't care enough.

I burst through the front door as eager as a child on Christmas and ran to my sister who had set up a picnic outside.

There was a red and white plaid comforter laid out on the grass. It was covered in goods like chips and cookies and fruit and soft drinks as well as tea and ice cream. All my favourite foods.

"I know you don't really like to celebrate your birthday but it's technically not your birthday anymore." She gave a guilty smile which shifted into a happy one when she saw how excited I was.

My parents never tried to do anything for my birthday once I told them I don't want to celebrate. Not that I blame them, I did tell them no after all, but it seems as if they just gave up on trying to make me happy. But Annalynn didn't.

I rushed in to give her a hug but I wasn't totally sure how hugs worked. I think I accidentally chocked her because she coughed after I let go and tried to hide it with a smile, but she knew I meant well.

"Shall we?" She asked me.

"I think we shall." I determined. And we dug in.

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