Chapter 30 - Final Goodbyes

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Dear Carter, our last encounter has been playing in my mind on repeat, each time bringing a little more guilt and shame for me to carry. I have been so hurt and mad at you for leaving me and here I did the exact same thing to you, and for that I am sorry. I hope you know that I do forgive you, and I want the best for you. So please don't worry about me, and please be able to forgive yourself. I wish you good luck with the next 50 years of your life, and promise me you won't do the same thing I did and push everyone you love away and stress every single day. Live your life the best way you know how and I hope you will find happiness. Thanks for everything, you made my childhood a little less stressful.

~Shay Shay

I set the pen down and sighed, staring at the paper.

What good is a note if I don't actually give it to him?

Maybe I could write notes for everyone that I care about so it's not weird just him getting one. It can be my last goodbye, and something to remember me by. Plus it'll keep me occupied for a little while.

I wrote my moms first and then my dads, theirs was easy. Short and sweet. I thanked them for being such supportive parents and loving me regardless of my age.

Then I started on my sister's, but hers was much more challenging. I had so much to say but at the same time no words came to mind!

I restarted at least 4 times before finally getting the gist of what I even wanted to say. I then tried my best to fit it all together.

I finally finished after a good hour of work. It was messy and unorganized and not even that long but I managed to say everything I wanted to say. I'm sure she'll understand.

I tore my gaze away from the messy piece of paper and too the window, but it looked different then usual. It looked almost colourless. But it wasn't even like black and white, it was grey and blurry everywhere I looked.  It was almost like the life had drained out of everything.

Just like the life was draining out of me...

One Year Left to Live | ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora