Chapter 17 - Lie To Me

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Time began to move at normal speed, which made Annalynn's arms wrapping around me so quickly, quite startling.

"I thought that I would never see you again." She had to whisper to be heard through her sobs.

Her affection warmed my heart, but I couldn't let her know that.

I pulled myself away from her grasp, "What are you all strung up about? You think I can't handle myself?" I said with a creased brow.

She was surprised, "n-no, that's not what I'm saying-"

"Whatever," I cut her off. "I'm going to bed."

"Not until you answer a few questions." A police officer chimed in, picking up on my last line.

I put on my annoyed face even though I didn't really have a problem with it.

"Where have you been the past 8 hours?" He pulled out a notepad.

"Just walking around town." He took notes.

"And was your intention to be in that part of town or was it an accident or force?"

"It was my intention." I lied. I needed Annalynn to think that she was worried for nothing; I needed her to think that I can take care of myself.

"Why didn't you tell anyone where you were going?" He asked, still writing.

I had to think about that one for a moment.

"Because I didn't want them to know where I was."

"Do you mean you were running away from home?!" Annalynn chimed in.

I answered without looking at her, "no, I just needed a break from family."

I felt embarrassment and guilt flush over me with those words, but I didn't show it. I can lie pretty good when it comes down to it.

"Okay one last question," the officer explained. "Who's watch were you under when you left without a guardian?"

"My own."

"Who else?"

"No one else."

He scratched a few more words into his notepad before looking up at us.

"Alright that will be all for tonight, thank you. At least tell your family that you are okay next time." He told me.

I nodded.

And with that, I spun around and walked towards the house. Or at least tried to, Annalynn grabbed my arm.

"What has gotten into you!? Why on earth would you do that!?" I could see the horror in her eyes. "I thought that someone had kidnapped you and I wouldn't ever get to see you again before you die!"

Her voice cracked on that last word.

I yanked my arm out of her grasp, "Well it's not all about you. I wanted to get away from you and mom and dad for just a couple of hours! You didn't have to loose your lid over it! Why do you even care?"

"What do you mean why do I care!? You're my sister," she quieted her voice, "I love you."

"Don't strain yourself," I chocked. "Because I don't feel the same about you."

Those words burned coming out. I didn't mean it, but I had to do it. I had to do it for her.

I turned away before she could see the tears in my eyes. But not before I saw the ones in hers.

I raced up to my bedroom and slammed the door. Then crashed to the ground in front of it, hugging my trembling knees.

Tears came out of my eyes like actual rivers. I've been doing this a long time, pushing people away, but it has never been that hard.

I can not believe that I have gotten so attached to her in only a few days. She pretty much just burst my personal bubble and crawled inside.

I've been here like a sitting duck just watching the walls I spent years building around myself dissolve before my eyes. All because of her. I can't let her do that to me.

I felt sick to my stomach. Lightheaded. Weak. Depressed.

I am not okay.

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