Chapter 15 - Been Misplaced

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The next day was exams for the high school, including Annalynn.

My phone went off with a 'ding' so I stirred around in my bag until I found it; it was from Anny.

"Exams are lasting longer than I thought, I'm gonna have to stay an extra hour after school to finish it so I can't drive you home today. Sorry sis :("

I pouted. I still can't take the bus because I know for sure that his mom works on Wednesdays, so he will be taking the bus.

And both my parents at work for another 3 hours.

How am I going to get home? It's not like I have any friends that I can ask to give me a ride.

I'll just walk. I take this road every day to school, it won't be so hard. Right?

And on that note, I set off.

I took a straight road for a small amount of time before turning down a side street. So far so good, I recognize this part. Now up here I turn left. Or is it right? No, it's left.

I took the next left down the highway and continued on that path until I found an intersection.

Four ways to go, three of them are wrong.

I thought for a moment, a very long moment, too long of a moment at that.

I couldn't check my phone for directions because I don't have wifi and I already went over my data plan, and I couldn't contact anyone in case of an emergency. Why is this only dawning on me now? I'm on my own.

I could head back to the school and just wait for Anny, but by the time I get back she could have left already. Besides, I can always just turn around if I go down the wrong street, I know this town.

I'm pretty sure it's straight.

I went straight and took a couple turns off of streets that kinda looked familiar... and I somehow ended up back at that same intersection.

"Well then, I guess we're starting from scratch." I muttered to myself.

I decided to go right this time. I soon found out that this was a string of old, cheap houses. There was garbage and stray cats and broken windows and the air smelt of tobacco and weed.

In other words, I was in the ghetto.

And if that wasn't bad enough, the sun was already going down.

I checked my phone to see the time, just past 8:00. I have been wandering around for four hours. My feet hurt and my backpack only seemed to get heavier as the time passed.

I was starting to get really worried, by then I had absolutely no idea where I was.

All I knew was that I was lost.

There were no corner stores or gas stations or fast food places of any kind in sight. I needed to find a phone so I could call the house but I had no luck.

I continued walking around, taking random roads that looked the least sketchy for what seemed like hours. It was completely dark by then, making it even harder to navigate. As if it wasn't already hard enough.

I hope my family isn't worried about me.

I finally found a gas station, it was old and the lights flickered, but it was something.

I stepped inside and asked to use the telephone, but the guy told me that the phone was broken.

Just my luck.

I walked back outside and sat on the cement ledge in defeat. I rested my cheeks on my fists, on the verge of tears.

I then started hearing sirens.

"Oh no, they've found me!" I whispered to myself with a sad giggle.

Of course I was joking but then I saw two cop cars drive past the station I was sitting at. The second one pulled in with its sirens still on a flashing lights still bright as ever.

A cop stepped out of the car, leaving the door open he jogged towards me.

I wasn't actually going to jail was I? I'm too young! Forget that, I didn't even do anything!

He stopped in front of me flashing a flashlight in my face.

"Stay where you are!"

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