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Melody P.o.v

"Babe will you make me the most happiest man on earth and marry me?", my boyfriend said.

I stare at him shocked as tears start to stream down my cheek,"ohh god, ye-"

"Wake Up!!!" i heard as my eyes pop open and my breathing quicken by how scare i got. I then see her, laughing her ass off by my reaction. I jump off the bed and tackle her.

"It's not funny, i could've had a heart attack" i say as i smacked her w/Mr. Poppers a stuffed bear.

"But you didn't" she said smiling.

"I hate you" i told her as we both stand up.

"I love you too, babe. Now get ready its our first day of school, finally seniors. Our last year in hell." she said as she walked out of my room.

Ohh god, how much i love this girl. We've been bestfriend since i was 10 and she was 11, the day i ended up at the orphan. My parents were both murder, i remember as if it were yesterday. We were at the dining room eating after we heard a loud bang and deep voices yelling. Mom and dad both looked at each other and nodded. As my mom carried me and put me in this small closet, she kissed me and told me to not come out of this closet or make a noise. She then told me she loves me and then daddy came near me and kissed me on the forehead as he said," i love you, you well always be daddy's little girl. Be strong." Then they closed the small door and a loud crash was heard. I notice that the door that i was behind had a small hole. I looked and as i look i saw two large men holding daddy as another was punching him. Then mommy started screaming as a man was walking in holding her by the hair. He then throw her and landed in front of dad as the man who was punching dad step back. They started talking but i couldn't really hear but both my dad and mom stayed quiet. Then everything happened so quick the man who brought mom pulled out a gun and shot dad right in his heart. Mom screamed and stood up and throw herself at the man but shot her too. The four men ran out as they knew the cop would be there soon. As mom was at the ground she looked my way and smiled then closed her eyes. I stayed there till the cops came in and found me and took me to this apartment that wasn't good looking. Right after the people that were working there talked to me and the situation that happened they left me in a room that had two beds. It had green paint wall but the paint was chipping off from how old it was. Then the door opened and came in a girl, she didn't even bother to look at me. She just went straight to bed.

"Hi im melody" my voice came out so soft.

"Goodnight" was all she said.

As i made my way to the bed, an hour past i think and i still couldn't sleep. I was just staring at the wall as i felt tears coming out. I then started crying hard but trying not to make any noise. I couldn't stop crying till i felt I'm my bed dippin and then felt warm arms around me, i turn around to see the girl sitting on my bed.

"Hey im Angie. Don't worry i won't ever leave you" she said. I felt a bit better by her word and I don't know but i knew she was saying the truth.

So since then me and Angie have been bestfriends. We've been through so much these past years. It's a miracle we are still alive, i'm being dead ass.

Ohh yea school, as i finished doing my morning routine. I went toward the kitchen i saw my breakfast smoothie that my babe made me w/ a note saying she's outside warming up the car.

Ohh no

I ran out and saw her in the white audi r8 drivers sit. She turned and smiled at me, i gave her that look she knows but she just shrugged. I got in the car and put my seatbelt on.

"Please don't do something stupid that would get us kicked out again." i told her.

"Me? You are telling me this?" she said giving me that look that says 'really bitch'

"Yess you, or don't you remember what you did when you tried to scare the couch w/ a firework that you put nexts to a hotdog stand! And lucky no one was next to it and had a mini blow up" i told her as she does that face trying not to laugh. Ima admit couch reaction was funny as hell but i have to keep a serious face to win this conversation.

"Ok, but it was funny and don't you remember the day you pranked the science teacher cause she didnt pass you. What was it, that you did?" she said giving me an evil smirk.

Ohh shit i lost

"Ohh yea, if i recalled you did three things that day cause you thought it wasn't enough....And i thought i was evil." she said the last part in a whisper voice but enough for me to hear. But she kept going, " you put a sleeping pill in her drink and while she was knocked out during lunch you dyed her hair green and sprayed her w/a perfume that smelled like ass" she said as we both couldn't hold it any more and started laughing.

"Omg ok fine, but lets just try to finish here we're almost out anyways." i said.

"Okay" she said

"Shit we're gonna be late hurry up" i said.

"Babe w/me, we never late anywhere" she said.


As we got to the front of the school within 3mins left before the first bell.

"This is the last time you drive w/me in, we could've died." i told her w/my legs a bit shaky.

"Stop exaggerating, i didn't even go that fast." she said as we started heading to our new school. You see there is something you don't know about Angie yet. Well now that i think about it, you know nothing but that's not my part to tell. But there's thing you don't know about me yet.


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