Chapter 10

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Samuel P.o.v

"Angie, Mel get behind me" I said getting up and grabbing a knife nearby.

The banging got louder, I swung the door open and lift the knife but soon realized it was her. She shrieked very loud and stepped back.

"M-mom" Angie said in a low voice.

I got shoved a bit by Angie and Melody running to hug her.

"Ohh my babies, you're okay" she said hugging them tight.

I took a few steps back, looking down a shamed.

She then let go of them and looked at me, with those eyes that show so many emotions. It hurts me that i've hurt her, one of the last person i wanted to hurt. She walked closer and put her hand on my cheek, to look at her.

"Mom" my voice came out very low.

"My baby boy" she said then started crying.

She hugged me very tight as if afraid to lose me again. I leaned a bit down and hugged her back, i've missed her hugs, i've missed her so much. She might not be my birth mother but I love her, she would always be my mother.

    My parents abandoned me in the bad area of town, both my parents were drug addicts. They wouldn't hit me but at the same time they wouldn't take care of me. I would have to feed myself, when I was a baby there was this old lady who was our neighbor who took care of me since baby, she soon one day stop coming. At age 9 was when they just dropped me off near an alley told me to stay there. I did as I was told not wanting to get my parents mad, they then took off, and the car looked far till I couldn't see it.

    Hours went by, then soon it was midnight, I sat down leaning against the wall. I started crying, I hear footsteps coming closer. Then with the light of the moon a guy was standing in front of me facing forward, he hasn't released my present, yet. I leaned more against the wall as if would get me farther from him, but from all the noise I did, the man heard me and looked my way. He was young.

    "Hey there kid, what you doing here alone," he said squatting down leveling eye to eye with me.

    "My parents left me here," I said looking down, as a tear ran down my cheek. I whipped it off fast and sucked in air. I then looked back at him.

    He sighed and shook his head, "Hey, they're bastards. They didn't see how awesome of a kid you are."  He said ruffling my hair.

    "Um, sir? What's your name?" I asked.

    "I'm Bellamy, what's yours and how old are you?" he asked.

    "Samuel and i'm 9, sir" I said.

    "Call me Bellamy, kid i'm only 21" he said standing up "come on, kid you coming home with me"

    I stood up and walked next to him. He took me to his house which was huge.

    As years went by, I found out Bellamy was in a gang not only that but was the leader of it, which I became a part of. I was one of the best undercover in the gang, when I was sent to the orphan was the first time I got caught by the enemy who I was spying one. The 'Vipers' are the great's enemy to our gang. Some betrayed us and told them about me, they beat me up and were about to kill me till, the cops came, guessing someone called.

    When transferred to the orphan after being in the hospital for a while, I went in not wanted to be questioned. I walked toward a table after getting my food. Not a while when these two strange girls came to introduce them self. They even sat down.

The girl who said hey first was name Melody and the other one was Angie. Melody then gave me her pudding which was nice of her, she put it on my tray.

"Mel you said you were gonna give it to me" Angie said quietly to Melody, thinking I wouldn't hear, but I did and I stuffed a spoonful to my mouth showing that she gave it to me and not her.

That night I couldn't sleep, so I walked out quietly not wanting someone to hear me. I kept walking and I stopped at a door, w/o knocking a cracked the door open and I then heard a gasp. I was about to walk out after a apologies, but they told me to wait. I knew that I was in Angie and Melody's room. Soon they pushed the beds together and Melody called me to lay down and I did, in the middle. I don't know but I felt warm with them, it's a weird feeling I can't explain. We talked about ourselves a bit, as time past by I knew everything about them. It hurt me and caused me lots of anger that they had to go through that.

It was July when a lady came in, she introduced herself to me. She talked to me at the cafeteria, Angie and Melody walked in, the lady was facing her backs to them. I smiled as I saw them and the lady turn to see who was I looking at.

I nodded for them to come, and they did.

"Hello there, my name is Adalynn Hazel" the lady sitting down to them.

"Hey i'm Melody and this is Angie" Melody said smiling.

She then looked at Angie but she only looked up not making eye contact with her but gave her small wave. It takes her to warm up with people, sometimes.

"Adalynn, these are my sisters" I said holding both Melody's and Angie's  hand as they sat between me.

Adalynn then nodded and them smiled very widely, we kept talking till she had to leave, she promised us that we'll see her often. She kept that promise, she came mostly everyday. It was the ends of September when she told us we can go home with, she told us that she wanted to adopt us, we were all excited. Angie soon warmed up to her, we all did. That was the best day of our lives.

    "I love you mom, i'm soo sorry for leaving you. I can explain everything. I get if you can't forgive me mom" I said still hugging her tight, i soon felt her shoulder wet from my tears.

    "You're my only baby boy, of course I forgive you. I love you so much and I always will, don't ever.. Ever forget that" she said then gave me a kiss on the cheek.

    Angie and Melody left so I can explain everything to mom. I lead mom to the living room and we both sat down, i took a deep breath.

"It all happen 5 years ago, four days after my 15th birthday......

Im only continuing w/this story cause of my Bestfriend😭. She loves it soo yea. And Ik that she might just be the only one reading this cuz it's boring. But not for her😂❤️.

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