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I have two bad news...

1st bad news:
To those of you who doesn't know... JazzTopaz just left Wattpad.

If you want to know the reason why, go to her rant book and read the second to the last chapter.

She's one of my close friends here. And I'm sad that she has to go. But as her friend, I need to respect her decision.

So.... See you on the flip side Jazzy! I will miss you. And that's not just because I ship Madian or WPMP.

I'll miss you because you're my friend.

2nd bad news:
My android phone broke.

It won't power up. No matter what I do.

And I did everything  and anything to open it, but nothing worked.

So now I can't edit and do videos for YouTube.

And other stuff android devices can do that Apple iPad's can't.

Well.... I can edit with my iPad. But there wouldn't be any music.

I wish I have a Laptop to edit my videos in a better quality...but I don't.

So the quality of my videos these days will be from bad to extremely horrible.

IF I decided to make videos.

Because most likely I'll be too lazy to make a vid.

So yeah....

Expect me to be inactive in YT.


I think....

....I'm depressed.

I don't know....

And no... I am not depressed because I broke my phone, ok? That's just shallow....

*sigh* So much stuff are happening to me right now.

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