Chapter 1: I'm So Sorry

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You've always focused on your grades and would always have your head in the game. Your family loved that about you. You were the idol in your family. But today, you're the disappointment in the school and in your family.

"L/n Y/n!! That is now how I raised you to be! You must care for your grades first. Do not end up in E-Class like your friend once did!!" Your mother yells at you with a sickening expression. She holds a hand up, about to slap you, but puts it down, resisting the urge.

"Isogai is a good friend mom! E-Class wouldn't be so bad right? I'll be fine," you try to reassure your mother. She nods, her expression becoming a calm and happy one.

"Honey! Y/n is gonna try her best again!" Your mom yells for your father to hear.

"That's good to know!" He yells back.

"Very two-faced.." you think. "What if I don't do a good job?" You question, worrying.

"You'll be the disgrace in our family," she answers without hesitation.

"Oh.." you pause before placing the paper on the closest table and speeding right to your room. You fear your parents. They may seem all kind and sweet, but to you, they're strict and use words against you.

"Y/n L/n!! You come right down here!!" She screams. You run to the farthest corner in your room and kneel, cowering in fear. You cover your ears with your hands and begin to sweat.

"I'm sorry.. I'm sorry.." you whimper, starting to cry. At these times you usually had Isogai by your side to comfort you, but your parents hate E-Class students. With them being in debt and you wanting to help, your grades dropped without warning. "I.... didn't mean to do any harm," you whisper before passing out cold on the floor of your room.

You wake up and glance at your phone. "I can't be tardy on my first day of E-Class!!" You almost say aloud. You jump up from the corner and grab your uniform, quickly putting it on. You forcibly comb your hair and race out of the house with your phone and bag.

You speed up the mountain to the run down school and walk into the classroom to see nobody there. "That's weird.." you take a seat in the back and rest your head on the palm of our hand, your elbow resting on the desk.

You look around as people begin to enter. You watch as people get together and have a conversation. You don't say a word to anyone. You've never really had any friends; they always come and go. They use you until you're completely useless, or they never have the time to hang out with you anymore. That's what happened with you and Isogai; he just didn't have the time. You look down at the desk, ashamed of failing your mid-terms.

"Ms. L/n," someone opens the door and calls out your name, "may I talk to you for a minute?" You nod and walk out with a straight posture.

"Is there something you need sir?" You as after reaching the door and getting pulled aside.

"Please, call me Mister Karasuma," he tells you.

"Okay.. but you didn't answer my question," you point out.

"How did you get here and why?"

"Did you not know? I failed my midterms... I didn't get anything right or show my work, everything I did was wrong. I never had enough time to study, so I guess it was fate to end up here."

"Why would he let you be here?!" You hear him murmur angrily.

"S-should I leave?"

"No, I have to explain something before you go back into the classroom," he says, explaining the assassination for Koro-Sensei. You keep quiet, nodding every now and then to indicate that you're listening.

Unidentified Love (Yuuma Isogai x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now