Chapter 4: Don't Leave | Pt. 2

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"H-how'd you know?!"

"I have my ways," Maehara laughs as you walk back to your seat when class begins.


You sigh as you doodle next to your work in your notebook.

"Please use this formula to solve problems one through ten on the board," Korosensei sits in his chair and begins to relax as everyone does their math. Just like yesterday you finish and give your notebook to get it checked. "Wow y/n! You got them right again!" He chuckles and says quietly so only you can hear.

"No duh, I just have to, umm.." you pull out an antikorosensei knife and swing it in your grasp. "I have a question," you declare loudly. Everyone looks up at you, making you smirk.

"Go ahead," Korosensei says.

"If this rubber knife harms you and only you what are you made out of? I mean, you are from earth, correct? I've never seen a rubber knife harm an organism as big as a human before. Have you?" Everyone's eyes widen at your question. Your boldness shines as you look into Korosensei's eyes intensely.

"Well, I uhh," he can't come up with an answer. While he's stuck like that you exchange your notebook with the antikorosensei knife slyly, but he's already grabbed a tissue or napkin to hold the rubber knife and put it in your notebook.

"Very fast. I didn't know if the facts were true, but I guess it is," you turn around, your smirk disappearing. You hold your notebook with one hand and place the other on your hip, walking back to your seat.

"Y/n, if you keep that up-" Karma starts.

"Don't worry," you smile innocently as you sit down, "I.." you snicker, "know what happened to you. I won't be allowing that."

"You what?!" He nearly shouts, but lowers his voice.

"That must've been sooo embarrassing," you continue.

"Shut up, y/n," Karma scowls at you as you nod and look down at your notebook.

You open to the page where the antikorosensei knife is and stare at the drawing he made. Next to it was a little note saying: 'see me after class.' A shiver went down your spine as you begin to imagine what he could talk to you about.

You yawn as you play with the rubber knife, full of boredom. "What could he want to talk to be about..?" You ask in your thoughts, starting to read through the math notes you've taken in class 3-A. Sighing, you sit up straight, your thoughts leading towards how your parents will be talking to your teacher.

At last, the school bell rings as you follow Korosensei out the classroom.

"What is it, hm?" You ask.

"I can tell you're hiding something, y/n. You're deeply worried about something. Do you want to tell me?" Korosensei counters your question with his. You quietly gasp, not knowing he's able to see right through you.

"Yes.. it's about my parents," you begin to explain the situation going on in your household. "They're planning a divorce and want me to stay with my father.. they're also planning on seeing my teacher today, but I don't know which one.." you sigh as you tell him the details.

"It's fine Miss l/n, it will all work out fine, I promise you that," Korosensei looks at you with that same smile he always has on.

"But I don't want my mother to leave.." you sob as tears trickle down from your eyes. You cover your face with your hands as you weakly cry. Korosensei pats and rubs your back and stays where he is. "He's.. not going to leave..?" You ponder in your thoughts.

| A/N: Haha there we go, the second-- and last-- part to this chapter! I was able to finish it and post it! Woo!

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