Chapter 2: What am I doing here?

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"Friends, huh..? Do I even have any of those anymore...?"


"Iso..gai. You're here aren't you," you remember that he's in this classroom. You stand up from your chair and walk out of the classroom.

"Miss y/n, I did not excuse you to leave," Koro-sensei says, but you ignore and walk out of the classroom and sit on the stairs of the school.

You rest your head on your hand while your elbow is on your thigh. "I don't understand this place. We should be given more work once we're done separately right? Why is it so different?" You ask in the void of your thoughts.

"Hey, y/n-chan," you recognize the voice; Isogai.

"Oh, hey Isogai," you say as you fix your posture and turn to look at him, "what are you doing out here?"

"I should be asking you the same thing. Koro-sensei told me to check on you," he replies. He smiles and sits next to you, "what brought you here anyways; to the End Class?"

"Zeros on my midterms, that's all. I was just trying.. to help my family," you tear up at the thought. There had to be more of a reason to drop from Class-A to E just because of a test.

"Aww, y/n-chan. It's okay, you'll be fine! You'll probably be out of here in no time based on the speed and grades you get!" Isogai tries to reassure you.

"Enough with the honorifics, please. I just have one question," you say.

"What is it?"

"Well.. don't you think it's kinda sketchy to be brought here based on midterms only? I mean, there just has to be more of a reason for it, right?" You question.

"There is a chance it could be around the fact you're more athletic than you seem-"

"Me? Athletic? Hah! Don't make me laugh, Isogai, you know it isn't true!"

"You probably didn't notice, but the class looked at you because you were recognized as the most athletic female in Class-A."

"I... am?"

"Yes, which is probably one of the reasons you were brought here."

"You sound so much more smarter than the last time I saw you, Isogai!" You tell him, amazed by his choice of words, grammar, and his tone.

"Hehe, thank you," he rubs the back of his neck, like nobody noticed he's changed.

"It's not big deal, you are my friend after all, right?" You look at him and smile.

"Yeah, of course you are!" He smiles back.

Looking into his eyes, you make a serious expression, "if you ever need someone to talk to, just know I'm here to hear what you have to say, alright?"

Isogai nods and looks away. The eye contact makes him blush. "Hai," he replies before walking back to class. "Are you not coming?"

"No... it's too awkward for me to stand, especially if I- never mind," you tell him before looking into the distance. You stand up once you feel his presence fading and you walk home.

You look around for your bag, but come to realize you left it in the class. "Oh no! Mom will kill me if she realized I forgot my phone AND my keys!!" You begin to panic as you speed back up the mountain until you reach the class. Before you open the door, you look down at your feet, ashamed of yourself. You walk back outside, sitting and wait for class to be over. "The sun feels nice," you smile and lay on the dirt and close your eyes, "maybe a nap won't hurt..."


"Isogai-kun!!" You yell for him, smiling as you run up to him. "Can I walk home with you?" You ask him.

"Of course, but don't we split paths up there?" He points to the distance.

"Yeah.. well.. don't you have work today?" You ask him.

"Not today, no," he replies with a smile.

"Cool!" You smile back. You run ahead of him and turn your head back so you could see him, "come on!!"



"!!!" You shoot up and notice how much you're sweating. "What kind of dream was that..?" You ask yourself and look around.

"L/n! Are you okay?" A boy with blue hair runs up to you.

"Yeah.. why? And who are you..?"

"I'm Nagisa. And we heard a scream, so I came to check on you."

"Oh..." you wipe off the sweat from your forehead and smile at him. "I'm okay, you can go back to class, but call me over once it's lunch."

"Alright," he smiles back and walks away, back to class. You smile uncontrollably, excited for absolutely no reason at all. "Hmm.." you think about what you should do until lunch comes around.

"Miss l/n," you turn around to see Koro-sensei, "may I have a word with you?"

"I don't think I have a choice so I'll say yes, of course," you answer honestly. Koro-sensei has a seat next to you.

"I was told why you were here, but why are you skipping your classes?"

"So I don't have so be in this dump and be a disappointment to my family.."

"Just because you're down in E-Class doesn't mean you are a disappointment." Koro-sensei wraps a tentacle around your shoulder.

"Yeah, but I used all my time on supporting my family I was dead tired on the day of midterms..." you gulp, "I failed." You begin to tear up so you cover your face with your hands.

"You didn't fail, you were only trying to help your family, nothing bad about it," Koro-sensei reassures you.

"Is this really E-Class?" you ask, secretly pulling an anti-Korosensei knife from you side and cutting a part of the tentacle that was wrapped around your shoulder.

You turn to smile and look at him, "thought they wouldn't work, but I guess they do. You're definitely going to fall for these simple tricks, huh?"

"H-h-h-hey!" Koro-sensei stutters. You chuckle and wipe the tears away.

"My first priority is to learn, but aside from that is to find ways on killing you," you stand up and walk back to class, keeping the knife in hand. You slide the door open and walk to your desk.

"I guess this will be easier than I thought," you smile at the thought and realize everyone was watching the assassination attempt. "What? Have you guys never seen me doing my work?" You ask loudly with a proud grin. You're not known as a trouble maker, but you're known for doing what you want.

"No, it's just that-" you cut off the student who was talking and back yourself into a wall.

You heart begins to feel as if it is being squeezed. You grip your chest and begin to pant as beads of sweat form on your forehead. When you shut your eyes an image of your father's dark side forms, making you panic. Isogai runs up to you.

"Take deep breaths, slowly. In... out... okay?" You nod in response with embarrassment as you slowly calm down.

"What was that?" A student who walks next to Isogai asks.

"N-nothing," you stutter a reply and loosen your grip from your chest.

"Maehara!" Isogai looks at me worriedly, then back at Maehara.

"Sorry, sorry," he apologizes with a nervous laugh following.

You blush in embarrassment and face the wall to avoid eye contact with anyone around you. "I.. I should get going," you say, grabbing your things and rushing out of the school. You know you're not able to last there. You might as well run to another school and keep your grades up, but that won't be happening anytime soon. Your heart feels as if it's being squeezed as you storm back home.

"Y/n" a voice from an ally calls and pulls you aside.

"Gakushū," you respond with a grin. You two had an... agreement.

Unidentified Love (Yuuma Isogai x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now