Chapter 7: Here | Pt. 1

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"Sorry, I just.. don't want anyone to get involved. Don't worry though, I'll still be me and you'll still be you," you smile at him before skipping home, leaving him in the classroom all alone.


"Ughhhh," you groan as you feel your face heat up, "that was so embarrassing!! Why did I say all those things?!" Your skipping turns into running as your mind drifts to the thought of your baby sister. "I don't remember hearing her cry or make any noises yesterday.. was she even at home?" You begin to panic as you burst through the door of your house and search for your sister.

(Let's just name her... Iliana. If that's your name or you have a baby sister just replace it.) "Iliana? Iliana where are you?!" You yell as you open and close every door. For every door you close, the more nervous you become.

Finally you give up and slowly open the door to your room to see Korosensei holding your baby sister. "Just what do you think you're doing?!" You yell stomping up to him, looking straight into his eyes.

"AHHH!! Sorry! Sorry! It's just that it's not good to leave a baby at home by herself for a long time," Korosensei explains as he hands your baby sister to you, gently placing her into your arms.

"Oh.. wait what. My parents leave Iliana alone?!" You look at him in shock. "Also, shouldn't you be at school?"

"The same question goes for you too, Miss Y/n," he catches you off guard, 'flying' out of the window and away while you think.

"Hey!! Ugh.." you sigh, giving up. Maybe your parents wouldn't mind who they met... right? They won't tell you who they did anyways, so why should you care? If you ask they won't even tell you! "Why should I care?" You murmur to yourself.

You look down at your baby sister and smile at her cute face. "I guess I should watch her for the rest of the day..." you groan in annoyance as you sit on your bed and look at her changing her expressions. You wish you can be her, not having to worry about anything.

DING DONG! The doorbell rings as you run jump up. "Be right there!" You yell and carry the baby down to the main entrance and open the door. Isogai stands there with a worried expression.

"Are you alright? Korosensei told me to check on you," he sounds the way he looks, worried. Worried, worried, worried.

"I see..." you don't, "I'm fine. I have to take care of her," your eyes move down to your sister.

"Where are your parents?"

"Out at work I'm assuming..." you sigh. "You should go back to school."

"You should too."

"Mm... I'll think about it," you smirk.

"Come on, y/n," the ikemen states as you put the baby down.

"Fine... but what about," you move your head down to your sister.

"Uhh... bring her. We can ask Korosensei for help," he suggests.

"Okay," I pick her back up as I begin to lose my energy from bending so much.

"Off we go!" Yuuma grabs your attention as he starts to run ahead of you.

"W- wait up!" You laugh. It's been so long since you've had fun. You smile brightly, not allowing it to be fake. You want this moment to last, but everything has to end.

"Korosensei can you help?" You ask.

A/N: I literally had to reread everything because I couldn't remember anything. Yes, this is a two-parter meaning the next part will be coming soon. I was supposed to post this earlier but I just remembered about this. If I don't post by then, Happy New Year's Day! If this is confusing pls notify me so I can make changes

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2017 ⏰

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