Chapter 5: Life can be Cruel

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"He's.. not going to leave..?" You ponder in your thoughts.


You attempt to wipe your tears and look down in embarrassment.

"Y/n!" Isogai yells and runs out to you in panic.

Your face tints a light hue of pink and you cover your face. "W-what?" You stutter in an almost-kinda-groggy voice.

"Are you okay?" He kneels beside you.

"Y-yeah, why wouldn't I be? I'm y/n!" You lie, looking up at him with a weak smile.

"Are you sure? Y-"

"I said I was okay, Isogai, I don't lie," you cut him off and lie once again as you look over to where Korosensei is sitting. His face is a light shade of pink making your light blush become more visible. You reach into your skirt and pull out an antikorosensei knife and point it at him, making him panic and run away. You fake a smile and put the rubber knife away, looking back at Isogai.

"Okay, I won't force it out of you. If you ever need someone to talk to I'm always here," he states and gets up.

"No.. don't leave, I don't want you to go now.." you want to beg, but those words don't come out when you open your mouth. "Okay," is what you really say.

His eyes widen, it's not the y/n he remembers. The y/n he remembers was sweet, kind, and sociable towards everyone. He doesn't want to hurt you by saying anything so he stays quiet and walks away, regretting his decision in the first place. "Sorry, y/n," you hear him whisper.

You tear up once again and bang your head against your knees, "no, I'm sorry." You want to chase after him and tell him everything, but you know it's too late now.

You have so many regrets about your choices you stay seated and begin to cry again. Your hands ball up into fists as you weakly 'punch' the ground. You hear footsteps coming towards you and feel a hand on your shoulder.

"Y/n-chan.. we need to go back to class," it is Nagisa's voice. You wipe your eyes with the back, clean part of your hands and slowly stand up, your legs shaking as you feel a little light-headed. "Y/n-chan! Are you alright?" He asks as he reaches for you.

"Does it look like I am?" You swat his hand away and fake a smile at him. "I'm only a little dizzy from not seeing light for a while, nothing much," you respond and squint your eyes as you slowly walk back to the classroom with Nagisa. You trip over yourself before you reach the door and fall onto your arms.

"Y-y/n-chan! Are you sure you're alright? Let us take you to the nurse's office!" Nagisa panics as he grabs one of your arms.

"Us..?" You ask.

"Yeah, us as in Nagisa and I," Karma lifts you up with no problem and helps Nagisa carry you to the nurse's office.

"But there's no nurse here.. can't I just go home?" You look into their eyes as you try to give them puppy eyes.

"Y/n, you know that's not happening, you skipped half a school day yesterday, you can't come back here thinking you can go do it again," Karma makes your eyes widen. You've never heard him say something like this before.

"Hmph," you pout, sitting and placing your head on your hand, legs crossed and elbow resting by your knee. "Can you guys leave now..?" You want to ask, but don't want to appear rude towards them.

"Come on Karma, we should go back to class," Nagisa tugs Karma's arm as he stands up.

"Aww already? Okay," he fake whines, then smiles at you before walking back to class with Nagisa, leaving you alone in the run-down nurse's office with no nurse. You lay down uncomfortably as you shift around every few minutes.

"Ughhh this is so boring!!" You complain as you sit upright once more. You look around the room, thinking of what to do. Standing up, you walk to the door and peek your head outside.

"What even is there to do?!" You want to complain for hours, but you know that won't help with anything. You leave the door open and sit back in the old mattress.

"Y/n, Korosensei asked me to check on you.. are you doing alright?" Megu walks in with a worried expression.

"O-of course, I don't understand why everyone, one-by-one are coming to see and talk to me though," you sigh as she walks up to you with a smile.

"It'll be fine y/n, we just want to be there for you, that's all," Megu sits next to you.

"That doesn't really... never mind," you don't say what's really in your head, you don't want to be left out.

"Oh! Did you hear about the trip we're going to be having?" Megu asks.

"No," you shake your head rapidly.

"Well, you'll see soon then," she stands up from where she's sitting and walks out.

"And once again I'm left alone," you sigh.

You aren't really sure whether you like being noticed and getting attention or not because you usually get attention if something you do stands out or if you make it noticeable.

You shrug at the thought of attention, neither liking it or disliking it since depending on the situation, it could go either way.

"Y/n, how are you feeling?" Korosensei walks in and infront of you.

"I'm good, thanks for asking," you look into his eyes and glare at him. Let's say.. you're not good with talking to teachers. You treat some worse than you treat regular people. "Why am I getting so much attention?" You asking that question surprises him.

"Do you not like it?" He counters it.

"That's not it, it's confusing why it's like this all of a sudden.. other than the bad luck I've been having so far today," you reply placing your face into your hands and grunting.

"Maybe you should learn to take it slowly then. If you want to kill me you need to gain my trust first then kill me behind my back," he explains.

"And why the h*ll are you the one telling me this?" You snap at him causing him to visibly panic.

"Profanity, y/n. Don't use that word like that."

"Why do you care?"

"I'm you're teacher y/n. That's the only reason for why I should care."

"What if you weren't my teacher. Would you still care?"

"Of course I would. I don't see why I shouldn't," Korosensei finishes the conversation with his answer and leaves, a gust of air entering when he speeds off. "Time to buy some pizza from Italy!"

You sweat-drop at the thought of going so far just for food. "Of course.." you slowly stand up and stretch in place, preparing to leave for lunch.

"Y/n, how are you feeling?" A familiar question's asked, but by a different being.

"Not this again," you force a smile and sit back down, preparing yourself for something different, a very long question with the next person-- or maybe people-- who come through the door.

Unidentified Love (Yuuma Isogai x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora