Chapter 3: The Deal

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"Gakushū," you respond with a grin. You two had an... agreement.


You smirk and give him a paper with your handwriting on it. On the paper is the secrets E-Class is hiding. Asano threatens you about your secret job when you were at A-Class. He told you if you gave him the info from 3-E he won't tell anyone about the job you got again.

"You won't tell anyone, right?" You question.

"I keep my promises," Asano replies, "and don't call me Gakushū."

"Okay... Gakushū~" you laugh as you walk away with no regret. You never actually asked why he wants the secret from 3-E, but you're hoping you didn't make the wrong decision.

"Oh, y/n! You're home!" Your mom greets opening the door before you could get your keys.

"This doesn't mean anything good," you think as you force a fake smile.

"Honey, don't you have see you're scaring our child," your father's voice makes you flinch. Your hands begin to shake so you fold them together and run to your room. You don't want to get in trouble for leaving school early, so you lock your door, open your window, and jump out, landing outside. Once you do, an argument between your mother and father starts. The front door closes and you make a run for it.

"Can't get caught. Can't get caught. Can't get-" you repeat those words aloud until a group of male high-schoolers crowd you.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" A student says, taking a step towards you.

"What did I do.." you whisper so only you can hear.

"What was that princess? Come with us, we'll treat you right," one student proceeds to grab your arm, but your reflexes kick in and you punch him in the face.

"Oops. My bad," you say sarcastically before trying to get away.

"HEY!" another student yells and runs after you with a fist aiming for your face.

You know  your not able to win against a group of high-schoolers, so you defend yourself using the techniques Karasuma-sensei used. Even in one period you can learn and memorize a lot. You catch the student's fist and push him aside as others come for you like a bull. You move from side to side dodging all of their attacks, but what you don't see coming is a punch going straight your stomach. You're so invested in the attacks going for your head you don't notice the last move.

You get punched in the gut, causing you to cough some blood. They begin to corner you, but you use the last of your strength to slip between their legs and run once again. You wipe the blood off your mouth and pat down your skirt.

"They really know how to put up a fight when they know it's not fair," you cough again, only this time it is weaker than the last. You look up at the sky to see it's still noon. You groan at the thought of going to your classes tomorrow. You walk up to your house and look up at your open bedroom window. Afraid of going out the same way a second time you climb a nearby tree and jump into your room.

THUMP. You land on the floor, back first. You hold in the pain and get up. You lock your bedroom window, trying not to make any noise.

"Y/n!" your mom yells your name worriedly. You jump in surprise and shuffle your feet to your door. You unlock and open the door without a sound and walk to where your mom's voice came from.

"Y-yes?" you stutter, trying to sound like nothing bad happened.

"It's about your father and I," your mom starts with an upset expression. You frown sensing something bad will happen.

"What is it..?" You ask worriedly. She doesn't answer, but walks away. "What?! Don't leave me like that! You need to tell me!!" You want to scream at your mom. You know she won't let you boss her around, so you spin on your heel and walk back up to your room.

You slam your door out of frustration and faceplant onto your bed. You groan as you think of what you can do.

"Y/n!!" Your father calls, making you jolt up in surprise.

"Y-yes?" You reply loudly.

"Come down here me and your mother have something to tell you," he yells.

"Your mother and I," you correct in your thoughts. You nervously roll out of bed and sneakily walk to where your parents were. "What is it?" You ask, your hands shaking.

"We're getting a divorce andddd..." your mother says, "you're staying with your father."

"What?!" You nearly scream with surprise. You back away slightly from the news. You won't argue with the divorce part, but the staying with your father catches you off guard.

"What's wrong?"

"It's just that.. um.." your body starts to shake and you become the slightest bit queasy so you panic and run to your room. "That was so embarrassing!!!" you think as you chuck your pillow to your face. "What was I doing?! I shouldn't have even listened and went down.." you begin to regret past decisions, not thinking about how you can deal with school and family problems without having the two collide.

"Y/n, honey, please open the door.. I have to ask you something..." your mother softly knocks your door, desperate to talk to you.

"Ugh fine.." you shuffle your feet to the door, open it, and run back to your bed, face facing your sheets. "What do you want to ask?"

"It's about the divorce.." she begins, sitting on the edge of your bed, not being able to see you roll your eyes.


"It was a joke."


"No.. I wish it was though.. your father just wants you and him to have 'alone time.' Whatever that was supposed to mean."

"Hm? I don't understand.."

"I don't think anyone your age would, but again I have a question. Why did you seem so surprised when we said you'd be staying with your father?"

"It's um.. nothing really. I was just surprised that I wouldn't be staying with you; the mature, responsible one who keeps everyone in their place," you smile and sit up on your bed next to your mother.

"That's so kind y/n.. but you know if it's what your father wants.." your mother doesn't finish.

"He gets it," you sigh, tears beginning to well in your eyes.

"I'm sorry.. I don't know why he treats you like a wild animal," your mother hugs you.

"It's okay, it's not your fault. Just don't tell anyone about what's happening," you force a smile and break the hug. "If anyone finds out this will become a crazy 'oh so important' situation," you think.

"Okay.. just call me or the police if you begin to feel too unsafe around him," she states to you.

"When will you be leaving anyways?" You ask with curiosity.

"In a week or earlier," she replies, looks you in the eye and walks out of the room calmly.

You breath deeply and sigh, putting a hand to your heart to calm down. Your smile goes straight into a frown and you lay on your bed, staring up at the ceiling. "How did life ever come to this..?"

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