what happens when they get jealous

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Black hat:
Black hat can just bearly stand another man looking at you, now when a guy came over and started flirting with you when you were the mall that when he really gets pissed. "Hey babe, the names brandon," he say while turning his hat sideways "i have a...husband" you lie so he will go away faster but to no avail "..so you're a lier? I don't see a ring..." brandon snarks " you'll be seeing my knuckles if you don't leave her alone And thats just a sample of what i could do to you if you don't."  Black hat says while resting his arm around your shoulder " woah man, no need to make a scene..but just for the record she'd be much happier with a man like me in her life" brandon adds, and with those final words brandon flung out of existence "no one flirts with my (y/n) and gets away with it" black hat says quietly before roughly kissing you.

Dr. Flug:
You know that flug isn't the..most assertive man out there but he definitely cared about you and that showed when you two were at the park with 5.0.5. A man sits next to you and you begin to chat with flug only sitting on the other side of the bench next to you..watching. hating. Loathing. "I didn't tell you my name pardon me, my name is neil, its very nice to meet you" the man said holding out a hand for you to shake, you gladly do. "Okay  (y/n), i think 5.0.5 has to use the bath room." Flug said obviously making this up as 5.0.5 was gladly playing with children by the swings "well go take him, im talking" you say trying not to be rude. Flug huffs and listens as you have a friendly conversation with another man. "Neil me and (y/n) have something to do so can you..go away?" Flug says shooing him with his hand " oh sure, im sorry for bothering you, my husband is probably waiting for me anyway. Its been nice meeting you both" neil says walking off. Flug suddenly feels like a dick for rudely telling a nice guy with good intentions go away for no reason "you were sooo jealous, i could see it in your eyes haha" you say as his just blushes and hugs you.

You guys were at gaming café drinking some coffee and chilling when you spot another girl and accidentally make eye contact, causing you both to blush out of embarrassment demencia sees this and leans on you. She girl comes over and starts small talk "i like your shirt, panic at the disco is one of my favorite bands" she says "really? Its nice to see another fan every once and awhile" you say and you both keep talking as demencias jealous becomes more and more obvious as time goes by. She goes from hugging your waist to rubbing your thigh "jesus D, why are you so jelly all of a sudden?" You ask "im not jealous..i just want your attention..." she says blushing alittle bit "well, you can have all my attention when we get home, im trying to make friends" you say before taking a sip of your coffee "well you don't need friends, you have me" you blush at this statement and kiss her forehead.

villainous boyfriend/ girlfriend scenarios!!!!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora