they get sick

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Black hat:
Black hat likes to go on walks very late at night and where you live it gets really cold at night, you always tell him to put a thicker jacket on or even just stay inside but he never listens and now he's in his bed sniffling and sneezing. "I told you to stay inside but noooo 'demons don't catch colds'" you say bringing him a box of tissue "shut up..*cough*...I'm perfectly healthy!" He says trying to get out of bed but you just push him back down "just lay down, you idiot.." you say getting his medicine ready "no! No! Get that disgusting stuff away from me!" He yells scooting away from you "take your damn medicine black hat!" You say glareing at him. He just shakes his head "no. I'll just let my body take care of it" he says crossing his arms "okay, but just so you know this medicine helps the cold go away faster and if you don't take i get to go have fun by taking candy from kids, robbing stores and ruining peoples lives while you're in bed sneezing..but you're a grown man and can make your own choices" you say putting the medicine away "wait wait wait! ...give it to me." He says quietly before i hand him the medicine and he takes it, soon after making a face of disgust "see? its not so bad!" You says booping where his nose would be.

Dr. Flug:
He recently caught a fever and doesn't want you to help him in fear of you getting sick "as long as you don't cough on me or anything I'll be fine!" You says trying convince him to let you help him "no! (Y/n) i don't want you *achoo!* getting sick!" He says staying under his blanket "but i need to help you so you can get better!" You reply giving him his medicine and he takes it. You two quietly bicker until he falls asleep and you soon do the same.

Shes been alseep for hours, the medicine you gave her fucked her up. She snores alot..

villainous boyfriend/ girlfriend scenarios!!!!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora