they get turned on

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Black hat:
Black hat regularly makes sex jokes and he always gets a chuckle out of you but he can get pretty 'excited' when you make them. Black hat has challenged you to a joke war..and this was a dirty joke war "hey, y/n? Whats long, hard and right next to you?" He says "nothing" you snark with a smirk on your face "thats just cold.." he says before you straddle him "the better question is...whats tight, wet and right on top of you?~" you whisper right up to his ear. He clears his throat and you feel something hard poke your butt "oh my hat are you...? OH MY GOD! HAHAHAH!" You get off of him as he stands up and covers his little buddy down south "shut up!" He yells before dashing to the bathroom.

Dr. Flug:
You guys decide to go to the beach and you were testing your new bikinis. "Hey flug how does this one look?" You say poseing "uh..a-awesome!" He says nervously and crossing his legs. You come back with another one "what about this one?" You ask twirling around "ohhh~...g-great! Heh...." he says still settleing in his seat on your guys' couch "are you okay?" You ask coming closer getting him even more bothered "....n-no! I-i-i need to go to the bathroom!" And with that he was already gone. Lets just say everytime you walked past the bathroom you heard strange noises.

Usually its you who gets a bit hot and bothered from her constant compliments about how hot, cute and sometimes sexy you are but she has her moments too. It usually starts with her kissing you, it then turns to neck and collar bone kisses and her slightly rubbing your thigh, then she'll slip her hand up your shirt. She'll stop when you ask her to..sometimes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2017 ⏰

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