Chapter Four

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Get ready for one of my best chapters. And for all the time I made you guys wait, enjoy this looong chapter. Twice as long as I usually write.

Prepare for the moment you all have been waiting for, prepare for justice and pain, and most of all....prepare for your heart to be ripped out of your chest. (Possibly)

*Author is not liable for any deaths and rages, and feels that readers may experience

SomberMagicks created the lovely cover! Cover submissions are still open, just post to Deviant Art and tag me CATtheDrawer and I will use it, as long as it goes with the book. No drawing random shit.


Sweet Desire

Chapter 4

"We're all in the same game; just different levels. Dealing with the same hell; just different Devils"


The throne room was one large, stone room that extended far out in front of him. The walls were decorated with tapestries that were placed carefully in set increments from each other. Tapestries that depicted the founding of Emedo.

In front of Adam was his father, his back was turned to Adam as he faced the throne where he would normally be seated. Behind the throne was a large window that let in vast amounts of sunlight that cast dark shadows over his father due to the shadow created by the throne, which stopped just inches from Adam's feet.

There was silence as Adam took several steps into the room, his footsteps echoed around them. He broke the silence, "I'm sure you know why I'm here." He spoke carefully and measured the tone of each word, of each syllable, he didn't want to betray any sort of tremor.

"Please remind me, it must have slipped my mind," his father answer.

"Your time as king is over, it is time for you to step down and surrender."

"Hm," his father mused with a light chuckle, "So would you be king?"

His father didn't let Adam answer that question, "Do you know what the role of a King is? Is it to rule? To protect? To take over?"

Adam remained silent.

"Of course not, Kings are supposed to liberate; Kings must work for the best way to bring freedom to their subjects, whether that is by protecting or taking over. I've been working towards that even now--"

Adam gritted his teeth, "Through war? Is that how you believe you can liberate whatever it is you are trying to liberate--"

"Of course not, that was my last resort, you think I wanted war in the end? Haven't you realized that Adam?"

His father continued to stare straight ahead, keeping his back turned to Adam.

"Your last resort for what?" Adam narrowed his eyes and took several slow and cautious steps further into the throne room, toward his father.

"For freedom."


"Freedom from a power that plagues this world, a power that shouldn't exist within the hands of humans. Freedom from magic. Magic should only be held by the gods, it corrupts the mind of humans, I have been looking for years on how to eliminate it," His father turned to face Adam, a dramatic shadow cast over his face.

Adam scowled, "So you started a war!"

"Have you been listening! War was my last resort, and I never started this war. It was your friend, the young Duhitian King."

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