•What is Love?•Chapter 7•

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I'm sorry! After publishing this, I realized that the students at Teiko actually wear uniforms. Sorry, it's not something I am used to so that is why you are wearing a different outfit. Hope you enjoy!

•Your POV•

On the way towards your house, you hear a voice. You turn around and it's Sei.

"What the hell are you doing with him (Y/N)?!" He yells.

"Tetsuya-kun is walking me home! Why are you so angry?!"

"Why are you going back home! And without even telling me!"

"I did tell you! Were you not listening?!"

"I do not take orders from anyone (Y/N)."

"Well go back home! I don't know what cause you to change but I don't like it! Come back to me when my sweet Sei-kun is back!"

Tears start rolling down my cheeks as I run towards my house, Kuroko running after me.

•Time Skip•

It's the next morning. I walk to school with Kuroko. We had to leave earlier since we live farther away. I don't have my usual smile on. It's difficult now, to smile. I can't lie to myself.

Once we get to school, I don't talk to Sei. Not until he straightens up his attitude. He didn't do anything special to get my attention. I mean, he would drop a pencil every once in a while but that was it.

I went with Kuroko to basketball practice, because he is my friend and I will be there to support him.

•Time Skip•

As I was walking home, I noticed my parents cars in the driveway! I know they won't be home for long but that is why it's so special.

"Mom, Dad!" I yell as I open the door. Although I don't get a response. I start walking up the stairs and all I hear is yelling. Are they.... fighting? My parents have never fought before. I can't stand to listen to it. Before they even knew I was home, I grabbed my school bag and ran out the door.

I can't go back to Sei's, at least not right now. My only other option is Kuroko's. Luckily he lives about a block away so it isn't hard to get there.

I knock on the door and Kuroko answers it.

"Hey, umm... can I stay with you for a little while. My parents are fighting right now and usually I'd go to Akashi's but, you know that situation."

Kuroko nods and lets me in. His house is very similar to mine so I feel at home.

•Time Skip•

Today I am going to wear a dress. The dress is a (favorite color) high-low. I am going to wear (black/white) boots and a (black/white) sweater. It's the first day I'm not wearing Sei's jacket. At this point I could care less on if I catch a cold or not.

•Time Skip•

•Akashi's POV•

While I am putting away my bag at my locker, (Y/N) and Tetsuya walk down the hallway together. (Y/N) looks beautiful, but she could easily get sick! She isn't wearing the jacket I gave her. I can't believe it. I rush over to her, angrily.

"Bye Tetsuya-kun! Hello Akashi-kun."

Why did she call me by my last name? "Why aren't you wearing my jacket. You can easily catch a cold."

"Because I don't want or need you to take care of me. Lately all you have been is a selfish jerk!"

She tries to move past me but I grab her by the arm. She only looks down at the ground. "Why..... are you with Tetsuya and not me?!"

She looks up at me and I can see her eyes starting to water.

"Because every time I tried to show you compassion you pushed me away! And when my parents were fighting, I had no one else to run to!" At this point, the tears run down her cheek.

"And Tetsuya-kun told me what you said word for word! 'Anyone who acts against me is never forgiven. Even if they are my parents.' Why Akashi-kun? What happened to the sweet man who came and saved me from those two men?! What happened to the man who let me stay at his place just to protect me? Because that is the man that I fell in love with!"

She pulls my arm off of hers and runs to class, wiping her tears. I stand there in silence.

Love? She..... fell in love with me? I was always just so concerned about protecting her I never thought about my true feelings.

I can't even move my legs. What have I done? I haven't had someone care for me this much. I mean, I usually have a lot of girls approach me but it's usually for my looks.

Now that I think about it, what is love? I guess I would describe it as wanting to protect and be together forever with a special person. And I am absolute, that that is what I want.

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