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Chat 007 - And two more join the party!


The EXO dormitory was the quietest during the early morning, when most of the members were asleep and this was the time that Junmyeon enjoyed the most. And this morning was like every other morning, quiet and peaceful with the aroma of freshly brewed tea – ginseng to be precise for the build-up of stress in taking care of 11, no, 10 other people who in his opinion, were like children – filling the air around him.

He heard a door creak open in the hallway as he sat in the kitchen, then the muffled sound of slippers on the floor. Junmyeon guessed that it was probably Kyungsoo who usually woke up at this hour – 6AM – everyday to make breakfast for everyone (along with the help of Chanyeol and Jongdae, though sometimes reluctantly).

Junmyeon put the rim of the cup to his lips again, taking a sip of the sweet, slightly honeyed tea with its bitter aftertaste lingering on his tongue. There was more shuffling down the hallway, causing him to frown a little. There can’t possibly be another person up now, right? They usually sleep in until at least 8 on our free days, Junmyeon thought.

Kris was the one who was awake after Kyungsoo, who was now in the bathroom brushing his teeth. The door slightly ajar to reveal Kyungsoo’s dishevelled appearance of messy pyjamas and a bird’s nest of hair. Kris pushed the door open wider and stepped inside causing Kyungsoo to scrutinize him through the mirror, picking up his own toothbrush and proceeding to go about his morning routine as well even as Kyungsoo continued to brush his teeth while staring at him.

For Kyungsoo, it was a bit of a shock to see EXO-M’s leader up and about at 6AM in the morning. Except on days when their schedule required them to wake even earlier and even then he was a bit of a grump who scowled and glared at anyone who tried to approach him without a cup of coffee in hand. Yes, coffee was the cure for Kris’ frightening morning personality. But right now, Kyungsoo was more concerned with the fact that Kris WASN’T emitting a fearsome aura. In fact, he was SMILING. It was a bit freaky actually.

Kyungsoo spat out the toothpaste foam, rinsed his mouth and washed his face before turning to look at Kris. Even though Kris stood a good 13cm taller than him, Kyungsoo still managed to catch the attention of the elder. Kris looked down, thick brows drawing together, “What?” he said through his mouthful of foam.

“You’re up early,” Kyungsoo remarked.

“Mm, yeah.”

“What do you want for breakfast?”


“You do know that drinking coffee everyday isn’t all that good for you.”

Kris shrugged, leaning over the bathroom sink to rinse out his mouth.

“So… why’re you up so early?” Kyungsoo asked slowly, watching as Kris washed his face thoroughly with cleanser.

“Text message woke me up,” Kris replied, rubbing the cleanser on his face in circular motions.

“Uh huh,” Kyungsoo nodded once, but he was still pretty confused. “From who?”

"Not My Style" Says the Kris [EXO Kpop Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now