{13} Trust

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Malik Idris

I finished the last paperwork about the newly acquired criminals, who were now in police custody. Nathan, Cole and I spent a good two hours filling the information on the pages.

It was quite tedious, but we got it done. I sighed as I opened the drawer to my desk, filing my hard work for the day. My thoughts seemed to stray to Sajdaa. I wonder how she was doing. 

After we watched Ridwan get carried away by the ambulance, Sajdaa and I sat next to each other quietly. Sajdaa had been deep in thought, most likely from thinking about the wellbeing of her older brother.

I had to admit, what Ridwan did at Ethan's place was a brave act. Ridwan knew what Ethan was like even before we went there. Ridwan specifically told me to call for backup as soon as something felt out of place, but he told me to wait until he gave the signal.

Personally, I wanted to kill that goddamn bastard as soon as he started drooling over Sajdaa. Just the lustful gaze he had when he stared at her was enough to make my blood boil. I wanted to fucking strangle the hell out of him.

I would have made his death slow and painful, however, given the circumstances I had to refrain from my dark desires. My fingers tightened around my pen as the events of today raced through my mind. 

Fuck, I almost lost her. 

Sajdaa could have died today. She was so close to death that I honestly thought my heart stopped beating as soon as I saw her get dragged away.

Luckily, Sajdaa was no idiot. She beat their asses up and somehow took down almost three guys straight without seriously injuring herself. A faint smile crept up my lips as I realized that little spitfire could do some serious damage to a man's anatomy and ego.

Ridwan must have taught her some self defense a while back. It made sense. An overprotective brother like him would never take his younger sister to such a dangerous place if she didn't know how to fight. Ridwan was more calculative than I thought he was. 

He knew Ethan's intentions from the beginning, but he took the risk. Was that all just for his sister? Ridwan was smart. He told me beforehand to watch his sister's back at all times.

No matter what happened to him, Ethan was after Sajdaa, so my only duty was to protect her. Sajdaa didn't need protecting though. She clearly could handle herself. 

"Thinking about Sajdaa again?" an amused voice asked. 

I snapped my attention to Nathan. "Hell no," I scoffed. 

Nathan's blue eyes gleamed with mirth. "You're a terrible liar, you know that?"

"Very funny," I muttered as I capped my pen. 

He shrugged, "I call it how I see it."

"She's seventeen, man. I'd stop your matchmaking before it gets me arrested," I lightly joked. 

"Technically she's going to turn eighteen soon. Then it's not illegal anymore," he winked. 

"Give it a rest."

"Fine," he grumbled. Then, he looked sadly at the picture of Ridwan on my desk from the crime scene. "For a big brother, he sure does take his role seriously."

I nodded, "Can you blame him? It's his baby sister."

"That Ethan guy is a dick. I mean come on, lusting after a teenage girl. Wait, no. A teenage Muslim girl, that's pretty sick."

"He's an ass. I gotta admit," cut in Cole as he took the seat across my desk. "I mean I hate her, but I wouldn't say she deserved to go through that type of trauma."

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