{22} Angel with a Gun

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Malik Idris 

"Sajdaa, lower your gun more."

She groaned in frustration throwing the weapon on the table beside her. Her arms crossed over each other as she blew an exhaled breath of air in an effort to calm herself. On the other side of the protective screen, Hamza smirked at his sister, before he noticed her cold glare in his direction. Gulping, he put his head back to his book.

"Sajdaa," I sighed, leaning against the wall. "You can't just give up."

"This is hopeless. I can't even aim right, how the hell am I going to use a gun?"

"By actually practicing and trying," I emphasized. 

She narrowed her big brown eyes at me. "That's just rude," she huffed. 

I walked over to the table, picking up the cold metal weapon and examining it. The gun was loaded, one bullet was enough to take a life. My memories began to fill me as I imagined the first time I held a gun, back in Syria, where I ended a murderer's life. I remembered the bloodshed that was spilled, the cruel smirks of those men, and my mother's sobbing. 

Looking out the window, I watched the leaves rustle against the wind, children were playing outside while laughing about whatever nonsense they were speaking about. The rays of sunlight sprayed against their cheeks, making them lighter in appearance. They rode their bikes down the road with no care in the world, no worries, no tragedies. 

I couldn't help but feel a little jealous by it. These children took their freedoms for granted. As a child, I never had that type of luxury. Syria was once a beautiful country, but now I had no home to go back to. I escaped before the great war plunged my people, however, I didn't escape without any scars. I was an orphan, no one was left in my life, not even God had a place in my heart anymore. 

"Malik!" exclaimed Sajdaa, her eyes questioning me as a frown placed upon her lips. 

I gazed down at her, watching the annoyed expression sketch across her features. She raised her eyebrow at me. The dark brown eyes, that seemed to always make me lose myself in them, were beckoning me towards her. I couldn't understand how such a beautiful being was created. 


"Why do you zone out so much?" she hissed. "There's literally a killer out there and you're all googly eyes at the air. Get a grip, Malik!"

I tilted my head at her. Her angry side was usually amusing more than scary, but sometimes like right now it was unbelievably terrifying. If looks could kill, I would be a dead man. Her eyes glared daggers at me, cheeks flushed from the inner anger that lurked inside her. 

Through it all, I found her to be extremely attractive. I had no idea how or why I had gotten weird sensations around her, but lately I found myself welcoming every new emotion she brought with her. 

"I'm not zoning out."

She rolled her eyes. "And I'm an idiot with no life," she remarked, sarcastically. 


"Don't even think about it."

A small smile graced my lips. "I don't know what you're talking about," I grinned. 


Smiling, I held the gun in my hands, positioning myself towards the three targets in front of us. "Pay attention to my body stance," I advised, "Grip the gun tightly, lower it to match the target, don't close your eyes at all, and steady yourself." 

Sajdaa curiously watched with fascination. My eyes narrowed in on the target, seeing the red dot. I positioned the gun, my fingers lightly on the trigger, any sudden movement would make the bullet go flying into my target. Inhaling a deep breath, I pulled the trigger, hearing the loud sound the loss made. 

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