First Date

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// Will //
For your first date since you and Will are both young, Joyce took you two to see the Poltergeist. You weren't too big on scary movies, but Will seemed like he was into it so you were sure it would be fine. On the way there Joyce asked you a million questions which you didn't mind, but Will was embarrassed. She caught you two holding hands which resulted in her cooing and Will groaning "mom". Once you guys got into the theater Will did the 'yawn and put his arm around you' trick which made you smile. To both of your surprise the movie ended up being pretty scary, so Will's idea of you cuddling into him because of being scared turned into you two holding onto to each other for dear life trying to hide. Joyce just laughed.

// Dustin //
You and Dustin weren't really into big extravagant things, so for your first date you two decided to stay home and do whatever. You guys played games, threw chocolate pudding at each other, got in trouble for getting pudding everywhere, and finally you guys watched a movie. To top off the day you two fell asleep on the couch, with your head on his shoulder.

// Mike //
Since Mike wasn't supposed to date, going out on dates was a bit of a struggle. Mike told his mom he was going to Will's house, so you and Mike met up in the woods. You two wondered around, climbed trees and threw mud at each other. You two were both a hot mess, but it was a great day.

// Lucas //
You and Lucas decided not to tell your families that you were dating because you guys figured they'd make a huge deal and ask a million questions. You and Lucas went to the beach and had a great time. You guys walked up and down the beach, hand in hand, you guys went swimming, jumped off rocks into the water, and watched the sunset.

Stranger Things/IT Preferences and Imagines Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora