When Your On Your Period // IT

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// Finn //
- makes a joke about you being on your period because you were being pissy
- you getting angrier
- him realizing you actually are on your period
- he buys you chocolate
- cuddles all day

// Jack //
- knows because all you wanna do is sleep
- let's you use his lap as a pillow
- tells jokes to keep your mind off of cramps
- gets you a heated blanket
- brings you lots of food

// Wyatt //
- is generally confused
- let's you cuddle him all day
- loans you his hoodie for the week
- doesn't expect to get it back
- watches your favorite show all day

// Jaeden //
- is actually the best
- rubs your back or stomach to help with cramps
- makes you tomato soup
- buys many king sized chocolate bars
- takes naps with you

// Chosen //
- cuddles you
- assures you the cramps will get better
- sings to you
- carries you places so you don't have to walk
- let's you use him as a pillow

// Jermey //
- does anything and everything for you
- is basically a human teddy bear
- brings you medicine when you need it
- binges your favorite show with you
- rubs your feet cause why not

// Nicholas //
- goes on a run with you (I feel like he's a running type of guy)
- buys you fast food after
- isn't embarrassed about buying you tampons
- cuddles you when you get home
- shares a huge bag of candy

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