The holiday (part2)

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*Hannahs POV*

Today i was going home. Ahh I couldn't wait. Once we were ready we were getting the train to croy(just outside Cumbernauld) and I was told Matt and Connor were leading for the first part. They told me they wanted to head to the town centre. I lead them until we were about half a mile from it. Me and Amanda took pictures the whole way which slightly slowed us down but eh who cares. We got to our destination. A construction site. Matt turned to me. "Meet the new base of hi5." Matt looked at me. I laughed "your joking. Right" he shook his head. I was so happy. "And we want you to be boss here. Connor will be here. We will come over a lot. It's nice here." It was built so we could go inside. There was some painters inside. Matt showed me my office. "After we've done a tour of the country this place will be ready to move into. I've talked to your parents there happy with it. We start hiring next week. We will do school visits and work experiences here. You'll be top here." I sat in what would be my office. It looked down the main road I loved it.
But then my happiness turned to sadness. "What about all of you. I love you all. Your all my friends. I've got used to America. I've got used to you guys." Matt sat next to me. "Right we had that worry but what our idea was that in different months I would come down with some of the guys." Matt looked concerned. "But I don't have friends here anymore I left them all there all up in Skye. That's why I want to go there. To see them. I didn't have friends in high school I was the weird one."  Matt took my hand. He led me outside while the others looked around. "I know you have doubts. But how about we compromise. We could move parts of hi 5 here." He's trying to swing me over. "It's just" I started crying "I don't know I love your company and I love the idea. But think the time difference. I wouldn't be able to do meetings until the end of the day with use, and what about team edge and team edge gaming. They all rely on Connor and you and the others." He took my hand again. He brought me into a large hall. "This would be where we film for team edge when we're here. We were going to hire someone that would be below you but would take your job when you come back to the US." I nod. I don't know what to do. "Let me think over the holiday. I just don't want to make the wrong choice." I start to breathe heavily. Connor takes me out and we start to head to the town centre. But it's closed. For refurbishment. "Finally" I sigh "that place was disgusting" I take his hand and we walk to my old school. I forgot my school was built new and the building I was in was demolished. The school was in so I went in and asked if I could look around. I explained who I was. And I looked around. Talking to old teachers. And then kids who recognised me and Connor. It made me happy. I've not seen these teachers in 6 years and they recognised me. After leaving I'd forgotten everything and met with the others. Of course they were at McDonald's there American. There was no Starbucks here. So I took them to costa. They seemed to like it better.
After walking around the nice areas of Cumbernauld we headed back doing some shopping on the way to the hotel. They were tired with jet lag and slept quickly.
While they were sleeping I was emailing my old tutor asking her for help.
(Translated to English. Obvs)
"Hi can ask you a favour. Remember when I graduated and I wanted to work with a YouTube studio in America. I got that job and they want to set a base up in Cumbernauld for me to be boss. All my friends from uni hate me as I bailed on them and I don't have friends down here. All my friends and boyfriend work with me. I love them all to bits. I can't bare to leave them. Can you help??  Ill be coming up to the uni this month as I'm touring round with my friends. See you then and have a catch up? 
Tapaidh Leibh
I sent it and that's when I had a brand wave. I wrote a not to Matt and put it under the door. I asked him if I could be boss here but prodominuntly work in LA and come back every 2 weeks to check up on them. And I would have a Skype meeting with them daily. I would hire a boss for the area. I would come over for major events.
As I was putting it to the door Amanda opened it. "Can you give this to Matt" I said passing it to her. She read it. "You sure" "yeah" I replied I walked back into the room and snuggled into Connor who had woke up.

*1 hour later*

I got a reply from my tutor. I explained what I'd said. She said that's great. Looking forward to seeing her. I sat for a while talking to Paul back in LA. He was talking about how empty the office felt without us. He missed me and Connor the most. I told him about the office here and explained what I thought. He listened to all of what I had to say. He just sat and listened we talked for about an hour until Connor got up. I went out to go around myself while Connor talked to Paul.
I decide to just walk along the Clyde until I got to Glasgow green. I found a bench in front of the big g and sat. Remembering all the memories I had here in 2014. In 2014 we had the commonwealth games it was so cool and inspiring. Next year we have European championships here. I'm hopefully coming back to watch it.
I sat for a while until I felt a tapping on my shoulder. It was Amanda. She came out for a walk herself. She had some retail therapy before coming here. She asked for directions here. It was a lovely walk as she said. "Here do you want to come with me to braehead it's a large shopping centre." "Sure" I couldn't be bothered getting the van so we just got a taxi. After 3 hours of shopping we headed back before then leaving to go out for dinner. I suggested frankie and bennies as that's amazing. Today was great. Tomorrow we head to the campsies for some walking before heading to Edinburgh. I've loved my time in Glasgow. A lot of shopping

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