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*Hannahs POV*

Ijumped out of my window and called the police and ambulance. "Hannah. You can't run from me. I am inevitable." It was gunner. He looked out the window to see me running.
He shot my foot and I fell on the floor. That's when I saw him falling. He hit his head in the floor. That's when I saw my neighbours come down. I tried to walk up to the apartment but I couldn't. The police apprehended gunner and the ambulance helped me and Connor to the hospital. I managed to fall asleep through the pain. I didn't want to feel or see anything until I get to the hospital. I knew Connor would have to go through surgery. All because his best friend shot him.

*1 week later*

Connor and I both had our surgery and we both have been in the same room for the past 5 days. We were going back home today. Gunners court case was in 3 months. He has to stay in custody that is so good.

*1 hour later*

As I left the hospital I noticed the hi5 crew ready to take me home. Or at least to matts. Me and Connor were staying there for the month for safety and everything.
We walked in and Connor dropped his bag. "It's everything I-I've ever dreamed of". "Fan girl moment" I hear Matt say. Amanda laughs and walks in and hugs Connor. He is in full fan girl feeling now. "Make yourself at home" Matt said. Connor just stood and stared around. I was sure he'd been here before. I looked at him laughing and went to the couch. Amanda joined me while Matt took Connor around. He was still gazed. "I've never seen him like that. Let alone both of them." Amanda nodded at my comment. "I know Connor seems in dreamland. I know he was a viewer but I didn't know it was that much of a deal to him." "You guys were his inspiration and role model. He loved you guys. You changed his life as he said." Amanda was moved to tears as I said that and Connor came down at the same moment. Matt took me up to our room while Connor was getting hugs off of Amanda. "You know if you don't want to share a room with Connor if you don't want to. I don't want to ruin your relationship." Matt looked concerned. "No it's fine. It's nice to have home in bed. You know he gives great hugs" I scratched my neck embarrassed by what I had said. "You both do that too" he joked. I walked out and explored the rest of the room. By the time I went back downstairs lunch was ready and Connor was back to normal. I don't know what had gotten into him. Maybe just shock.
After lunch I headed to the office. I had to collect something from there. Matt came with me for 'protection' reasons.
We arrived and I got some things from the office. I left them here obviously thinking I'd be coming in the next day" I left about 5 minutes later. Matt got some stuff. He looked like he was planning something or he knew something. By the time we got home. Connor and Amanda were watching movies. We snuck past them and started making dinner. I made us a basic Sunday roast on a Saturday. They still hadn't noticed me until I gave them the food. Connor looked really happy with Amanda. They kept each other good company and gave me and Matt more time to organise the new space. I had to organise my new office. Including things I had to get in. Like a pc I can't work on a laptop for ever. Plus a way to communicate with the base and other little bits. That's when we heard the scream. Amanda's scream.

A/n sorry for the short chapter. In a bit of writers block. Been really busy lately with friends and sport and getting ready for school. Will try my hardest to get another better chapter up tomorrow.

The one day that changed my life (Connor TEG)Where stories live. Discover now