The Holiday (part7)

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*Hannahs POV (back to when Connor left.)*

I dropped to the floor as I watched him grab his stuff and leave. I'd messed up. I sat on the floor for what felt like hours and just cried. What had I done. I ruined it all. This whole holiday twice.
"Hannah open the door" there was knocking and it slowly got more furiously. "I talked to Connor before he left. He's gone. Lost. In a place he doesn't know. Let me in and we'll talk." I sat in silence. It was Matt. I heard murmurs then the door opened. Matt walked in and picked the note up then looked at my arms. He shook his head and picked me up into a hug. He saw the hand marks where Connor held me up. "Did Connor do this" I nodded. "It it wasn't his fault. It's mine I'm the idiot who ruined it all" suddenly lips pushed against mine. It wasn't Matt. It was gunner he walked in. I slapped him and left. I suddenly heard shouting so I started running. I needed to find Connor. He couldn't have got that far. I wiped away the tears before running faster. Why did gunner do that why did Matt allow it. I thought it was Matt at first but gunner. I trusted him. I've still not told Matt what I had to. More tears  came streaming down my face. I slightly knew my way. We were meant to drive down here today anyway. It was night before I made it to a village. I noticed Connor curled up into a ball. I hid behind a park bench when the little girl gave Connor the home for the night. I knew I was sleeping rough tonight. It was obvious.

*The morning*

I woke up and ran to the house Connor was in last night. He'd already left. I was defeated. I sat and cried until I felt arms around me. It was Con. John. I screamed but he covered my mouth. "You coming home honey". I tried to scream but just broke down. He knocked me out and threw me in a car. After that I felt nothing.

*2 hours later.*

I was in a car alone. Except someone next to me. Beaten up. It was Connor. We were at some sort of services. A guy walked past and I banged my head on the window. "HELP I need help" I smashed the window and noticed it was my brother. He called the police. Then John came back.

*Brothers POV*

I saw her. Her and Connor. My sister and her boyfriend. Tied up and beaten up. I called the cops. They'd be here in minutes. Then I heard it. "What do you want. Get out of here." Then I heard sirens. He pounced at me. "Think you could just call the cops on me." He pulls out a lnife on me. He tries to throw it but someone stops him. It's Connor. He saved my life. He was so beaten up I didn't understand. How were they found. Where were there friends. "Guys you've got to find your friends then head home. Sorry to ruin you holiday it's for safety." Both of them nodded while the police took John away.

*Connors POV*

I still had no phone or contact to the others and they couldn't drive here. "I'm sorry for running off. I threw my phone away and never stopped until I made it to a small village." I rushed out to say. "I know I saw you. I didn't want to disturbs you. I knocked on the door of the house you were staying in but you were gone. That's when he took me." I kissed her on the lips but she pulled away. "I ran away because gunner." I stared at her. "Gunner what?!" "He kissed me. I pulled away. I was talking to Matt and he pushed him and kissed me. Matt was screaming at him when I left" I just stared at her in shock.

*Hannahs POV*

"What. A guy kisses me. I don't kiss him. Your angry at me. It's not my fault I was weak and vulnerable and he capitulated on it. Be angry at him all you want just don't blame it on me." We fell into an awkward silence as we realised we were in a car park. I called one of the cops over to ask for help. "Where exactly are we?" "Oban" oh god. I grabbed Connors hand and ran to the port. "Thank you" my brother has already left with the police to get questioned. We arrived at the port and got on a boat to Stornaway. I hoped the guys had stayed there.

*A boat journey later*

We arrived back in Stornaway and headed to our hotel. The guys were still here. But gunner wasn't. Connor approached Matt and took him into a separate room. I booked flights to Glasgow from Stornaway and flights back to LA as quickly as possible. I explained to the others what we were doing. They were sad but understood. It did mean we would have to come back to do interviews but I would be able to relax back home again.

*1 hour later*

We left our hotel and arrived at the airport. It would be a short flight to Glasgow then have a changeover in the airport of 6 hours before flying home. It's gonna be a long day. And I still don't know what Connor and Matt were talking about. Or where gunner is.

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