The Holiday (part5)

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*Connors POV*

Matt arrived at the hospital and he gave me Hannah's phone. Is still wasn't allowed in the room with her. "Was anyone in the shop when you were in there." He nodded. "Did you see anyone looking at Hannah" he nodded. "Well are you going to talk." I was getting frustrated. "Y-yeah he had a black hoodie on with a hood over his face. He was on his phone" he was stuttering. "Is that it?!" I stood up and looked through the texts. What if- no it can't be. It has to be related to family. She shot up at that word. Her parents were nice so it wouldn't be that. She hasn't mentioned anyone else. "Your free to go in." I walk in. Matt stays at the door. "Hannah is there anyone in your family that is here that you don't want to see." She shrugs. "Hannah you have to co-operate. I was getting frustrated. I hadn't had any sleep at all. It's now 10am. She takes her phone off of me and hands me back her phone with a picture of a guy. "Wh-who is this?" She still doesn't answer. "Matt" I motion for him to ask questions. I walk out. Maybe she didn't want to talk to me. Maybe I'm not trusted enough. I walked out of the hospital and walked around the centre of the city.
After walking for a bit I found a coffee shop besides the beach and sat inside. I noticed I was the odd one out in the shop. Everyone has someone. Until a guy walked in. In a black hoodie with the hoodie covering his face.
'Hello connor' it came through Hannah's phone. I left the shop quickly and ran towards the hospital. The guy was following me. I called the cops.
"There's someone following me. I came from the hospital and went to a coffee shop. I think my girlfriend might know him and-". That's when I felt a thump and a throbbing pain in my back. All I saw was red a pool of it. Then footsteps. His footsteps. The call was still going. "Sir, sir SIR answer!" "Help" I slowly say as everything goes black.

*Civilian POV*

I was walking round the corner. A guy left his wallet in the coffee shop and I was going to hand it to the police. That's when I saw him. On the floor with a knife through him and a pool of blood around him. I see his phone on a call to the police. I tell them my location and what's happened. They arrived 5 minutes later. He wouldn't respond to us. That's when a kid recognised him. He was a youtuber and he was that boys favourite. That broke my heart. I consoled him worried about what he'd just saw.

*Amandas POV*

It was the hospital
"Hello is this Amanda Faye." "Yes" I replied. "One of your friends has been stabbed and is currently in a&e your other friend and husband haven't been notified yet. Could you come down as quick as possible." Connor. What did he do to deserve this. The other guys were still sleeping. I left them I ran to the hospital.
Connor was in a sea of red. The knife was out of him. Matt was there. I ran to him and hugged him. I was in tears. "Hannah doesn't know yet. Leave it like that. Ok" I nodded still crying. We were ushered into a private room. I layed on the floor. I couldn't bare Connor leaving me. "Connors making it through this even if it takes a while" I felt bad for Hannah. She was looking forward to all of this. She never got the full holiday. Or at least that's how it seemed.

*2 days later*

Connor walked through the door of our room. I never left the hospital. I jumped into his arms. He seemed like nothing had happened. He put me down and went to Matt. Matt put his hand out. Connor hugged him. Then Hannah walked in. Connor was still in his hospital clothes and had a cut down where the knife went in.

*Connors POV*

I felt arms around my waist and a head on my shoulders. It was Hannah. I turned around and kissed her lips. "We've lost 4 days of our holiday. Where-" Hannah's lips smashed against mine. And shut me up. "Aberdeen we can do it all today we should be in Fraserburgh in 2 days. There isn't much in Aberdeen anyway."
We walked out of the hospital hand in hand. Hannah explaining the hospital system and how it's free. It was nice to here her voice today. We got to the hotel and that's when the fateful call came through.
The police

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