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Chapter Six

As I'd promised Tam to talk things out with Jeff I had to keep an eye out for him and after a few days we happened to cross paths when he'd decided to show up in Slender woods. I'd heard from Toby that he would be there since Slender needed to have a talk with him.

He was lying on a fallen tree, carelessly fidgeting the knife with his fingers and I cocked my head as I heard him chuckle to himself.

"What the fuck?" My scream almost lodged in my throat as I ducked out of reflex, the knife flying over my head and nailing a tree behind me.

"Didn't they tell you sneaking up on people was rude?" He grinned, sliding off the tree and swaggering over to me.

"You have got to stop doing that all the time!" I glared, crossing my arms then dropping them again once I saw his gaze immediately zone in on my chest.

He chuckled and brushed past me to retrieve his knife, "Just testing your reflexes."

"Testing my ass, if you ever leave even the smallest scratch on me-"

"What? Gonna get your dog to rip me apart?" He cut me off, turning to me swiftly with the knife gripped tightly in his hold, "Because if so he's welcome to try, I ain't had a challenging fight in ages."

I sighed and stepped back, running my fingers through my thick head of hair.

"Just forget it. That's not why I came to see you"

His expression brightened and he made his way over to me slowly, his usual hoodie so spattered with blood it now looked brown. I looked away from his face.

"Well, why are you here then? Don't tell me you finally came to sample my-"

"No!" A blush crept up on my cheeks and I rolled my eyes, clenching my fists so hard my nails dug into my palm.

"Aw, would you look at that, she's blushing."

My eye twitched and I gritted my teeth now, glaring darkly at him, "Make one more stupid fucking remark like that and you'll be eating your own insides for dinner!"

His dark laugh sounded through the trees and the cold blade of his knife was used to pat my cheek.

"Calm down Kittycat, no need for that kind of attitude."

I sighed again and unclenched my fists, rolling my eyes as he went back to laying down on the tree.

"So what's this about?"

I hesitated for a bit before going to stand in front of him, hugging my own arms.

"It's Tam."

I heard him scoff and he started to get to his feet.

"Jeff wait-"

"For what?"

"Just tell me what's going on between you two."

"Nothin'. Nothin's going on and that's exactly the way it should be."

"How can you say that? What about Micah?"

"That worthless sack of shit shouldn't have even been born in the first place-"

I gasped at his harsh words, unable to reply. How could someone say that about their own child?

Jeff got up fully, "Unlike you, no one's in this shit for love. You might have gotten what you wanted from that fucker but I don't give a shit about feelings. Your sister was a good lay, too bad the kid's fucking worthless."

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